Clive HAMILTON est professeur d'éthique publique à la Charles Sturt University de Canberra.
This book tells about why we have ignored the warnings. It discusses the frailties of the human species as expressed in both the institutions we built and the psychological dispositions that have led us to self-destruction.
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Faire face à la réalité du changement climatique
Clive Hamilton
Françoise Gicquel, Jacques Treiner
This book paves the way for discussion on alternative ways of living on earth, as improbable as they may seem, and in so doing, demonstrates that the future is not merely the linear prolongation of the present.
Rémi Beau, Catherine Larrère
Philippe Descola
How to created scientific controversies and who benefits from them? A book for everyone who wants to understand what's behind the climate change denial.
Jean-Michel Decroly, François Gemenne