Janine Mossuz-Lavau est directrice de recherche émérite CNRS au Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (Cevipof).
Se dire d'un bord ou de l’autre a-t-il encore un sens aujourd’hui ? N’a-t-on pas élu en 2017 un président qui s’affirme « et de droite et de gauche » ? La politiste Janine Mossuz-Lavau, qui sonde les Français depuis les années 1970, constate au contraire la persistance du clivage droite-gauche.
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Toute une histoire
Janine Mossuz-Lavau
L'auteur démontre que l'engagement de Malraux auprès du général de Gaulle ne traduit en rien un renoncement à l'idéal de sa jeunesse ...
2e édition revue et augmentée
Les partis politiques font souvent état, comme d'un titre de gloire, du nombre de jeunes qui figurent parmi leurs sympathisants et parmi leurs électeurs. Comme si le soutien apporté par les jeunes garantissait la capacité des partis à...
Fondation nationale des sciences politiques France
This book provides insight into the CEVIPOF, the major centre for research in social and human sciences, through the testimonies of researchers who spent time there, the models and concepts they developed and discussed there, and the accounts of political, intellectual, and social figures who collaborated with the centre.
60 ans d'histoire du CEVIPOF
Martial Foucault, Pascal Perrineau
This book pays homage to an eminent professor, renowned researcher, and electoral expert, Pascal Perrineau. The texts bought together here are representative of his major scientific interests, the transformations of democracy and the rise of populism.
Pour Pascal Perrineau
Piero Ignazi, Dominique Reynié
Ideologies are still active but they are divided, compartmentalised, through a mosaic of references, standards and objectives. The multidisciplinary perspective of this volume. Drawing on philosophy, history, art history, political science, sociology, the authors question the political usages of individual and collective belief.
Usages politiques de la croyance
Anne Muxel
In this book, a team of researchers from CEVIPOF suggests that what is "common" is no longer based on what is public, but on what is private. That politics is now evolving in communitarian spaces of all kinds, family, religious denominations, political parties, oligarchies...
Pascal Perrineau, Luc Rouban
Including contributions from sociologists, political scientists, philosophers, historians and psychologists on the subject of our increasingly labile political identities, this volume highlights how politics are shaped by time, whether the collective time of generations, or, more personally speaking, the stages of life.
Les recompositions de l'identité
A major figure of French political science, Jean-Luc Parodi has significantly influenced the discipline, whether intellectually thanks to his pioneering studies, institutionally, or even individually, due to his personality. These texts pay tribute to the intellectual and the man himself.
Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Luc Parodi
Yves Déloye, Alexandre Dézé
Jean-Louis Quermonne
It is necessary to share someone's ideas in order to love or appreciate them? This book illustrates the constant interweaving of our private lives with our political beliefs. The authors invite us to see politics through the prism of our private lives, thus allowing us to explore other ways to understand the politicisation of individuals.
Politique, affectivité, intimité
Issu d’un cours du Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (Cevipof), cet ouvrage propose aux étudiants, mais également à tous ceux que la politique intéresse, des analyses rigoureuses de la vie politique en France et en Europe.
Des enquêtes, des chiffres, des cartes, des tableaux, des analyses, pour mieux comprendre les stratégies et les enjeux de l'élection présidentielle 2007.
Qui vote quoi, où, comment ?
Pascal Perrineau
Based on field-work carried out in the heart of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, this work by Yves Pourcher takes the reader backstage in several elections using the format of a detailed ongoing chronicle including dates and places.
Les campagnes électorales de Jacques Blanc en Languedoc-Roussillon (1986-2004)
Yves Pourcher