Alain KARSENTY est économiste, chercheur au Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), unité de recherche « Biens et services des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux », Montpellier.
How is collective action organised? How do collective actors work together? This rich dialogue highlights many fruitful reflections on instrumentation, helping to rethink social science and collective action today.
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Controverses, résistance, effets
Charlotte Halpern, Pierre Lascoumes
Close to 32 million acres of rainforest are destroyed each year. Many tools exist to stop this catastrophe. But are they quite innovative and competitive? A remarquable essay on the tracks to favor!
Instruments de marchés et REDD+ versus principes de réalité
Romain Pirard
Alain Karsenty