Janie Pélabay est chargée de recherche en théorie politique au Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF).
Ideologies are still active but they are divided, compartmentalised, through a mosaic of references, standards and objectives. The multidisciplinary perspective of this volume. Drawing on philosophy, history, art history, political science, sociology, the authors question the political usages of individual and collective belief.
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Usages politiques de la croyance
Anne Muxel
In this book, a team of researchers from CEVIPOF suggests that what is "common" is no longer based on what is public, but on what is private. That politics is now evolving in communitarian spaces of all kinds, family, religious denominations, political parties, oligarchies...
Pascal Perrineau, Luc Rouban
Including contributions from sociologists, political scientists, philosophers, historians and psychologists on the subject of our increasingly labile political identities, this volume highlights how politics are shaped by time, whether the collective time of generations, or, more personally speaking, the stages of life.
Les recompositions de l'identité
It is necessary to share someone's ideas in order to love or appreciate them? This book illustrates the constant interweaving of our private lives with our political beliefs. The authors invite us to see politics through the prism of our private lives, thus allowing us to explore other ways to understand the politicisation of individuals.
Politique, affectivité, intimité