Benoît Pelopidas is the founder of the Nuclear Studies programme at Sciences Po (CERI). His research has been awarded three international academic awards. He is also an associate researcher at Stanford University (CISAC).
In a democracy it is essential that nuclear choices are based on the open discussion of coherent alternatives. This book intends to provide citizens, elected representatives, military personnel, and teachers with the means to make up their own minds on a subject that is essential, yet which is seen as inaccessible.
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La séduction de l'impossible
Benoît Pelopidas
Using illustrated and annotated overviews, along with maps, "Global issues" focuses on the major interpretations of war as we know it, whether in the decline in inter-state conflicts, the continual normalization of states of emergency, or the transformation of the forms and spaces of combat.
Guerres et conflits armés au XXIe siècle
Benoît Pelopidas, Frédéric Ramel