Antoine Billot, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, Lemma. Correspondance : 4 rue Blaise Desgoffe, 75006 Paris, France. Courriel :
Aumann and Game Theory-Correlated Equilibrium in Games with Incomplete Information-Large Economies-Rational Dialogues- Common Knowledge in Game Theory-Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies Revisited-Subjective Causality-An Ultra-An Ultra-Refined Grammar for Interactions: Thoughts on Robert Aumann's Philosophy of Game Theory
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Special issue of Revue économique in honor of Robert Aumann
Antoine Billot, Christina Pawlowitsch
Philippe Mongin, un épistémologue exigeant de la théorie économique-Economic Theory: Economics, Methods and Methodology-Sur une importante conjecture historique de Philippe Mongin-Les décideurs allemands et français et l'entrée en guerre en 1914 : les enseignements d’un modèle-Une enquête sur la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel français
Numéro spécial en hommage à Philippe Mongin
Jean Baccelli, Antoine Billot
The Nucleolus, the Kernel, and the Bargaining Set: An Update-Market Allocations under Ambiguity: A Survey-Case-Based Decision Theory: From the Choice of Actions to Reasoning about Theories-Probabilistically Sophisticated Choice: An Alternative Axiomatization-Observational Implications of Non-Exponential Discounting
Special issue dedicated to David Schmeidler
Antoine Billot, Itzhak Gilboa