Thierry Balzacq is a researcher and professor at the Fondation Francqui and holds the Chaire Tocqueville in Political Sciences of Security at the Université de Namur in Belgium.
The first manual of diplomacy every published in French, this book covers all aspects of the diplomatic institution of the 21st century. It also situates diplomacy within its historical evolution and presents its traditional aspects as well as its new forms of expression.
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Thierry Balzacq, Frédéric Charillon
Would critical approaches help thinking security? This is the bias of this book that highlights and discusses the contributions of critical approaches to our understanding of security.
Thierry Balzacq
Seeking to revive the ancient tradition of the treatise, this innovative volume hopes to simultaneously be a gateway to the discipline and a source of reference for all its relevant players: students, teachers, researchers, politicians, diplomats, experts and professionals working with international organisations and associations.
Thierry Balzacq, Frédéric Ramel
La marche du monde s'enraye sous l'effet d’une accumulation de crises graves. Dernière en date après la pandémie de Covid-19 et promettant d’être longue, la guerre en Ukraine menace la paix et la sécurité alimentaire à l’échelle mondiale. Cet ouvrage tentent de décrypter les mutations profondes qui se produisent sous nos yeux.
Eberhard Kienle, Carola Klöck
Using illustrated and annotated overviews, along with maps, "Global issues" focuses on the major interpretations of war as we know it, whether in the decline in inter-state conflicts, the continual normalization of states of emergency, or the transformation of the forms and spaces of combat.
Guerres et conflits armés au XXIe siècle
Benoît Pelopidas, Frédéric Ramel