Arthur Vuattoux is a lecturer in sociology at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and member of the Institute of interdisciplinary research on social issues. This book builds on research completed as part of his PhD which won the City of Paris Award.
Arthur Vuattoux conducted his research with two courts, followed several hearings, and analysed over two hundred cases involving adolescents. His verdict is that gender norms have a profound impact on the way in which the professionals consulted by the judges, and the judges themselves, perceive deviance at this age.
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Genre, race, classe et âge au tribunal pour enfants
Arthur Vuattoux
Drawing on original research, sociologists, political scientists, and demographers pinpoint the inequalities between young people and other generations, and between young people themselves, which have increased constantly since the economic crisis of 2008.
D'une crise à l'autre
Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy, Laurent Lardeux
Sociologie de l'appropriation du live streaming comme ressource de santé mentale chez les jeunes-Découvrir son self pour façonner son mieux-être. Usages et appropriations du développement personnel par les jeunes-Analyse des stratégies de jeunes filles hospitalisées-Souffrances psychiques adolescentes et mobilisations parentales
Jeunes et santé mentale : ressources disponibles et appropriations
Ivan Garrec, Arthur Vuattoux