Christine Musselin is a research director at the CNRS, researcher at the Centre for the Sociology of Organisations (CSO) and Dean of Research at Sciences Po.
This is an essential account to understand the recent evolution in the higher education and research landscape in France, which has now become globalised and ultra-competitive.
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Christine Musselin
Fine connaisseuse des systèmes universitaires français et étrangers, Christine Musselin s'appuie sur les résultats de ses recherches menées depuis les années 1980 pour porter un diagnostic sur l’état actuel de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France.
The remodelling of the university landscape is underway. New structures have thus been forcibly created, without it being possible to ascertain whether these major changes will reach their objectives and ensure a radiant future for French higher education.
Contradicting widely-held perceptions about university careers, this work studies the recruitment styles of American, German, and French universities on the basis of a comparative inquiry applied to cases of mathematicians and historians...
France, Allemagne, Etats-Unis
In today's world, every activity, every task is entrusted to a new organisation, which has its own codes, hierarchies, and procedures. Yet far from making the world more fluid, horizontal, and flexible, this organisational proliferation makes it ever more complex. The sociologists, political scientists, and historians brought together in this book.
Olivier Borraz
Un panorama de l'analyse des politiques publiques en France et une vision des développements méthodologiques, conceptuels et pratiques par les meilleurs spécialistes d'un champ de recherche particulièrement dynamique au sein de la science politique française.
Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot