Olivier Fillieule is a professor of political sociology at the Université de Lausanne (IEPHI-CRAPUL) and a researcher at the CNRS (CESSP, Paris-1-Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Cet ouvrage de référence réunit une centaine de notions et concepts clés de la contestation sociale, dont il présente l'origine et le développement, en s’appuyant sur des exemples très divers.
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2e édition mise à jour et augmentée
Olivier Fillieule, Lilian Mathieu
The history of May '68 was not only written in Paris and it was not only driven by students. In Marseille as well, upon which this book casts a unique glaze, other activists contributed to making the decade that followed the May explosion into a "golden age of struggle", and sometimes acting as a catalyst for events on the national level.
Olivier Fillieule, Isabelle Sommier
In homage to the pluralist political sociology practiced and defended by this French pioneer of experimental survey research, this volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research and major controversies in this field of political science today, thus also serving as an introduction to the analysis of political behaviour.
Je vote, tu contestes, elle cherche...
Olivier Fillieule, Florence Haegel
The articles of the dossier analyze the process of internationalization of mobilizations related to sexuality in Europe, North America and Africa. The variety of geographical and cultural contexts captures the struggles that develop around the globalization phenomenon of sexuality.
L'internationalisation des causes sexuelles
Christophe Broqua, Olivier Fillieule
La manifestation est sans doute, après le vote, la forme la plus commune d'expression politique dans les pays démocratiques. Une analyse sociologique et historique de ce mode d'action politique, avec ses normes et ses règles, ses légendes et ses mythes, ses épisodes glorieux et ses heures sombres.
2e édition augmentée et mise à jour
Olivier Fillieule, Danielle Tartakowsky
This work offers an analysis of the (re)production of power ties via military practices, founded on the logics by which gender, class, and race inequalities permeate militancy.
Olivier Fillieule, Patricia Roux
Reposant sur les théories classiques des mouvements sociaux et de leur interaction avec l’État, sa police et les médias, cet ouvrage propose une analyse comparative de la transformation des relations entre police et manifestants, et plus largement...
Maintien de l'ordre et gestion des conflits
Donna Della Porta, Olivier Fillieule
Ce livre montre qu’il n’existe pas de différence fondamentale entre les mouvements protestataires dans les sociétés musulmanes et ceux qui surviennent ailleurs.
Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi, Olivier Fillieule
Who demonstrates in France, why, and under which banners? Where is the place of resorting to the streets among classic forms of political participation? What is behind the violence that sometimes accompanies protests?
Les manifestations en France
Olivier Fillieule
What gender brought to political sciences? The articles of this dictionary, written in a clear and accessible language, identify the concepts, theories and canonical objects of the discipline (citizenship, democracy, government, political parties, voting, etc.) showing the role played by gender in their genesis and in their maturation.
Concepts, objets, problèmes
Catherine Achin, Laure Bereni