François Bafoil, directeur de recherche émérite CNRS, Centre de recherches internationales (CERI), Sciences Po.
The institutional, financial and political innovations that result from the resolution of these conflicts reflect the vivacity of local democracy and the variability inherent in the notion of social acceptability. Comparing differents situations in Europe, the authors lay out a framework to help with decision-making.
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Conflits, démocratie, acceptabilité sociale
François Bafoil
In a Europe with limited budgets and faltering solidarity, how can we reduce the fuel poverty of a growing percentage of the population? This volume compares policies developed in United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland and Hungary to deal with this phenomenon.
Les précaires invisibles
François Bafoil, Ferenc Fodor
A unique comparative history of South East Asian and Central European economies, before and after 1989, through the prism of different models of political domination.
Économies politiques comparées, Europe de l'Est et Asie du Sud-Est
The most complete analysis of 15 years of transition and Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe.
Mondialisation, européanisation et changement social
Économies politiques des privatisations
Les instruments de l'élargissement de l'Union européenne
La marche du monde s'enraye sous l'effet d’une accumulation de crises graves. Dernière en date après la pandémie de Covid-19 et promettant d’être longue, la guerre en Ukraine menace la paix et la sécurité alimentaire à l’échelle mondiale. Cet ouvrage tentent de décrypter les mutations profondes qui se produisent sous nos yeux.
Eberhard Kienle, Carola Klöck
A global overview of environmental issues raised by the new policies of the Earth by the best scholars in the field — philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians, engineers, political scientists and international relations experts.
François Gemenne
Faced with the new Chinese hegemony, other Asian countries have been forced to adapt, while preserving their own designs on emergence. Consequently, various national forms of capitalism arise and co-exist. As a laboratory of contemporary forms of capitalism, Asia prefigures the major economic and geopolitical transformations of the decades to come.
Diversité et recomposition des trajectoires nationales
Pierre Alary, Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux
This book recalls the history of industrial and innovation policies implemented by China since 1949, especially in the domain of nanotechnologies, which Beijing intends to make the launching pad of its future competitivity.
Des politiques industrielles aux entreprises innovantes
Romain Bironneau
Rigas Arvanitis, François Bafoil