"In 2070 society will be less individualistic and more fraternal, because it will have gone through environmental, social, and political challenges. It will also be more multicultural, more mixed, less westernised."
A student majoring in politics and government, aged 21.
“It will be a society governed by resignation, extreme individualism, total domination of screens over the human spirit. A world in which nature has been completely disfigured by human action, to the point where it only exists in fairy tales.”
A student majoring in political humanities, aged 19.
In 2022, students at Sciences Po, like young people everywhere, have a vision of the future that fluctuates between hope and radical pessimism. They nevertheless stand out for their marked involvement in politics. They believe in democracy, are left leaning, and promote active citizenship.
Twenty years after a first survey sought to identify the socio-political profile of Sciences Po students, this new study captures the remarkable evolutions and provides a glimpse of what tomorrow's economic, cultural, and political leaders will look like.
La communauté étudiante de Sciences Po
Une politisation empreinte de défiance
Un tropisme de gauche affirmé et non dénué de radicalité
Une citoyenneté critique qui ne néglige pas la démocratie représentative
Valeurs et clivages
Leur monde futur
Table des figures et tableaux