La Collaboration n'a pas épargné le socialisme, le socialisme n'a pas ignoré la Résistance. Mais de ces deux mouvements, la mémoire collective de la SFIO a peu retenu. Période de la clandestinité, de la lutte armée, mais aussi de la collaboration avec...
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Socialism was not unscathed by collaboration nor did it ignore the Résistance. But the collective memory of the SFIO retained Unie of thèse two movements. Clandestinity, armed fighting, but also collaboration with the enemy : the occupation is at odds with a party formed in parliamentary fights, fed on the respect of démocratie traditions. Sociological and historical analysis can break with this image, restaure the complexity and consistency of the itineraries, even grasp the uneven richness of the contributions. Collaboration attracted the executive; the Résistance rallied the rank and file. Parisian collaborators took some of its values from socialism. The clandestine movements owe both their ideology and a great deal of their mobilizing force to it. As an idéal observation point of socialist contradictions, the occupation period provides a profile of the SFIO that ail the références to reformism, social democracy, or radicalism do not exhaust. It is in terms of depth, complexity, and originality that French socialism should be considered.