Workplace conflict has by no means disappeared. Rather, it has adapted to different contexts and taken on new forms that sometimes appeared to be closer to resistance than traditional conflict. It is this diversification of forms of oppression – class, gender, sex and race – as well as their political implications that this book sheds light on. Read More
Competition, social differentiation, dual labour markets, migration, tertiarization, individualization and flexibility: the world of work has changed. The defensive bastions of the workforce and protected professional spheres are today more isolated and more fragile than they used to be.
However, workplace conflict has by no means disappeared, as we can see in the demonstrations against the labour reform law in 2016. Rather, it has adapted to different contexts and taken on new forms that sometimes appeared to be closer to resistance than traditional conflict.
It is this diversification of forms of oppression – class, gender, sex and race – as well as their political implications that Ivan Sainsaulieu sheds light on here. He thus shows how workplace disputes maintain their subversive potential.
Introduction – Évolutions récentes et enjeux actuels
Les échecs de la pacification sociale
Quelles évolutions du travail et des travailleurs ?
Pour une contextualisation de la conflictualité au travail
Chapitre 1 – Grèves et action syndicale
Le déclin du recours à la grève
Le syndicalisme et la grève : continuité ou solution de continuité ?
Chapitre 2 – Du conflit post-industriel et tertiaire
Des mouvements d'occupation plus ou moins contestataires
Du retournement du sens du service
Chapitre 3 – Professionnels et cadres en résistance
Frustration professionnelle et défense du métier
L'ambivalence renouvelée des cadres
Chapitre 4 – La discorde au travail
Du primat des causes internes
Des causalités transversales
Chapitre 5 – Ancrage politique au travail
Des clivages politiques classiques
Les rapports ordinaires au politique
Conclusion – Dynamique du conflit au travail
Table des documents