Entre la signature des accords de Grenelle et la grande crise du milieu des années soixante-dix, la répartition des revenus primaires dans les entreprises industrielles françaises s'est profondément modifiée.
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In the period between the signing of the Grenelle agreements of 1968 and the deep crisis of the mid-seventies, the distribution of primary incomes in French industrial companies experienced major changes.Contrary to widely held opinion, the increase in inflation has not had the effect of making companies richer by allowing them to increase profit margins artificially, by systematic dévaluation of their debts or by any other means.The authors hâve based their work on several thousand company accounts collected by a spécial department of the Bank of France. They illustrate the stratégies of those engaged in the distribution of the national product — the state, bankers, employers and wage earners — and describe the processus which has led progressively to a paralysis of industrial investment.The Barre Plan attempted to reverse the trends in distribution which had prevailed since 1968. It has not, however, made possible the return to normal profit margins which remains the condition for a satisfactory recovery of private productive investment.
Sommaire contents : les études macro-économiques de la répartition en France les problèmes de l'information sur les entreprises l'analyse de l'échantillon DAFSA les échantillons et le traitement des comptes répartition et inflation : 1969-1974 répartition et crise : 1975-1976 l'évolution de la répartition dans les groupes l'analyse de la croissance des salaires et des frais financiers tableaux graphiques annexes.