Why is it that some problems – soil pollution, or work-related cancers for example – remain durably invisible? Why is it that public decision-making bodies seem to wait for a major scandal before being apparently forced to come up with answers? How can we explain this persistent disinterest for certain subjects, to the point where they become "non-issues", while others are readily addressed?
Political scientist and sociologist Emmanuel Henry draws on numerous cases to show how industry implements veritable strategies to exclude subjects that threaten its activities from the public debate. The goal of these strategies is to conceal the risks for citizens by producing scientific ignorance (tobacco), by fighting against new information by influencing funding (asbestos), by making subjects more technical so as to discretely establish new norms in collaboration with state experts (chemical products), and by generally cultivating indifference by relying on social inequalities to maintain the status quo. As a result, the non-issues are piling up.
Des mobilisations pour une cause
Le rôle des arènes médiatiques et judiciaires
La mise à l'ordre du jour (agenda-setting) des problèmes
Rapports de forces, refus de mise à l'ordre du jour et non-décision
La préférence pour la discrétion
Temporalité et rapports de pouvoir
Une politique du fait accompli
Freiner la connaissance
Rechercher l’ignorance ?
Différentes stratégies de production d’ignorance
Produire du doute
Éviter les savoirs gênants
Undone science
Ignorance, expertise et action publique
Ne pas quantifier
Une ignorance ou des connaissances toxiques ?
Individualiser les responsabilités
S’appuyer sur les chiffres officiels
Les organisations et la production d’ignorance
La production institutionnelle d’ignorance
Légitimer l’exposition aux toxiques
Rendre invisibles certains risques
Des pollutions qui aggravent les inégalités et les injustices
Maintenir les problèmes hors de vue
En guise de conclusion