Examining the immense challenge of environmental migration for the international community, this volume presents an overview of the current research and debates on this issue, with an added emphasis on legal matters and issues of governance. Read More
Humans have always adapted to environmental changes by migrating.
On a planet with 7 billion people, and which is dealing with unprecedented climatic phenomena — global warning, rising sea levels, the disruption of weather patterns, the proliferation of natural disasters — migration has suddenly assumed an alarming magnitude.
The number of 'climate migrants' is estimated to reach 250 million by 2050. How is this issue being addressed and discussed today? What are the international governance mechanisms already in place, and which should be implemented in the next few years? What role can and should international law play?
Examining this immense challenge for the international community, this volume presents an overview of the current research and debates on the issue of environmental migration, with an added emphasis on legal matters and issues of governance.
Chapitre 1. La difficile conceptualisation des migrations environnementales
Terminologie : réfugiés, migrants ou déplacés ?
Des causes migratoires complexes
Des trajectoires migratoires diverses
Des estimations malaisées
Chapitre 2. Les lacunes juridiques
Aspect migratoire : l'insuffisance du droit international des droits de l'homme
Aspect environnemental : une reconnaissance balbutiante
Chapitre 3. Un paysage institutionnel fragmenté
Diversité des institutions impliquées
Diversité des objectifs poursuivis
Chapitre 4. Les pistes d’une protection juridique renforcée
Les projets ambitieux de conventions internationales
Les projets pragmatiques du droit souple
Portées et limites des initiatives actuelles
Annexe 1 : Conclusions du rapport Foresight (2011)
Annexe 2 : Les principes de Nansen (2011)
Annexe 3 : Conclusions et recommandations du rapport du rapporteur spécial sur les droits de l’homme des migrants (2012)