This book is both educational and exhaustive, aimed at students, teachers, diplomats, and journalists. It presents the intellectual and historical environment of international relations, its paradigms, its key concepts and debates, and questions the connections between theory and practice. Read More
"The word international, it must be acknowledged, is a new one; though, it is hoped, sufficiently analogous and intelligible." So said Jeremy Bentham in 1781 when he coined this term. Although it became an element of everyday language in the 18th century, with the rising awareness of the growth of nation-states and the increase in transactions between them, international relations as a discipline only emerged more slowly in the sphere of social sciences, particularly in France. However, the scholarly study of what is unfolding on the international stage is important for our understanding of the world.
This book provides just that. It is both educational and exhaustive, aimed at students, teachers, diplomats, and journalists. It presents the intellectual and historical environment discipline, its paradigms, its key concepts and debates, and questions the connections between theory and practice. It provides an overview of the contemporary literature, in France and in the world. This sixth edition, with two new chapters on the contribution of feminist studies and on diplomacy, provides an important update to the analyses and bibliographies of this vast area of studies.
Première partie : Les Relations internationales comme science
Chapitre 1 / Théorie et relations internationales
Chapitre 2 / Les relations internationales dans l'histoire des idées politiques
Chapitre 3 / L'évolution de la discipline des relations internationales
Deuxième partie : Théories générales
Chapitre 4 / Le paradigme réaliste
Chapitre 5 / La vision libérale
Chapitre 6 / La perspective transnationaliste
Chapitre 7 / L'héritage marxiste
Chapitre 8 / Les approches post-positivistes
Chapitre 9 / Le projet constructiviste
Chapitre 10 / Les études féministes
Troisième partie : Débats sectoriels
Chapitre 11 / La politique étrangère
Chapitre 12 / La diplomatie
Chapitre 13 / L'intégration
Chapitre 14 / La coopération
Chapitre 15 / L'économie politique internationale
Chapitre 16 / La sécurité
Chapitre 17 / La guerre et la paix
Quatrième partie : Les Relations internationales face au monde contemporain
Chapitre 18 / Théorie et pratique des relations internationales
Chapitre 19 / Présent et futur des Relations internationales
Chapitre 20 / Les Relations internationales en France