Sayyid Qutb fut condamné à mort en 1966 pour ses écrits politiques. Son commentaire coranique Fi zilâl al-qu'ran, qui comporte six volumes, est le livre de chevet d'un grand nombre de musulmans du monde arabe, militants ou non. L'actualité de ce...
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Sayyid Qutb was condemned to death in 1966 for his political writings. His Coranic commentary Fi zilâl al-qu'ran, published in six volumes, is bedside reading for many Muslims around the Arab world, whether or not militant. The relevance of this thinker, worshipped by the radical Muslim Brothers, is obvious. Olivier Carré has gone beyond hasty interprétations founded on a few statements or actions of " qutbists ", by using a rigorous reading method which highlights the major thèmes of the basic text : the genuine Coranic émancipation of women and the family, the intégration of non-Muslims in the idéal Islamic society, the " struggle for God ", property and social justice, the " sociality " of the true Islamic society, and the notion of the Islamic state.