Promoted by strategies for managerial innovation, employee participation logically tends towards the involvement of workers in company decisions. Moreover, this participation responds to the goals of the employees and their representatives in intervening on working conditions, discussing issues related to employment and remuneration, and participation in the company's strategic choices
Sometimes implemented at the discretion of company directors and sometimes because of legal requirements, the participation strategies analyzed in this book take different forms: economic rights for the personnel committee, collective bargaining agreements, representation at the board of directors, and so forth.
How do these channels of participation work together? How do they help improve working conditions, environmental transition, and the social responsibility of companies? What might be their impact in terms of competition?
This book provides a critical overview of this question, even as the PACTE law of May 22, 2019 lays out a greater participation of employees in the governance and strategic decisions of French companies.
Chapitre 1 – Les différentes formes de participation des salariés aux décisions
Participation et organisation du travail : les pratiques « hautement performantes »
Participation et représentation du personnel
La participation financière
Participation et gouvernance d'entreprise : les administrateurs salariés
Chapitre 2 – Entreprise, gouvernance et participation
Misère et grandeur de la valeur actionnariale
Le principe de responsabilité : nouvelle orthodoxie ?
Parties prenantes, dépendantes et constituantes
Chapitre 3 – La codétermination : quel impact sur le conseil d'administration et la performance ?
La codétermination en Allemagne et en France
Codétermination, structure et fonctionnement des conseils
L'impact de la codétermination : les études statistiques
Chapitre 4 – Participation des salariés et RSE
La substituabilité
La complémentarité