Depuis le choc pétrolier de 1973, les problèmes énergétiques nationaux et internationaux ont fait irruption dans la vie quotidienne des citoyens ; chacun cherche à savoir quels sont les risques réels de pénurie et comment peuvent évoluer les prix de...
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Since the oil crisis of 1973, the national and international energy problems hâve become household words. Everyone tries to understand real risks of a shortage and how the priées of petrol, natural gas and electricity might evolve. This book présents the world energy picture. How hâve the major energy companies developed ? What are the économie laws that govern the market ? How hâve governments tried to set up energy policies aiming at independence ? The strategy of each category of actors is analyzed as well as the constraints and the margins for manœuvre. By combining historical, political, économie and technological approaches, the book provides the reader the éléments necessary for understanding a constantly changing field.