In response to the environmental and health issues we are facing, and the unprecedented frequency of technological innovation, experts clash, contradict each other, or admit they have no answers. Controversies erupt much more frequently than new knowledge can be produced. In this age of uncertainty, when decision-making must often come before knowledge, we have to come up with new ways of thinking and acting together. Mapping controversies provides a framework for this. This pedagogical practice, fundamental in the social sciences, teaches us to examine the world without ever separating science, techniques, and society. It teaches us to take into account all perspectives and the context in which they are expressed, to conduct a close analysis of the ecosystem in which an object emerges, an invention or a phenomenon. To find our way through uncertainty, we must first immerse ourselves in complexity. This book shows us how, by relying on examples of contemporary controversies carefully chosen for their diversity and the wealth of their teaching.
Le regard socio-technique
L'eau dans la ville
Comme un poisson dans l'eau
Le pouvoir purificateur de l'eau
Réinventer l’eau chaude
Des objets en réseaux
La construction sociale du vélo
Le cloud est en Seine-Saint-Denis
Le Transfo de Bagnolet
Les sciences et les corps des femmes
Quand le Muséum inventa la race
Comment l’hystérie a défini la femme
Tu n’enfanteras plus dans la douleur
La prolifération des controverses
Pourquoi reconnaître le burn-out ?
Le glyphosate
La forêt de Romainville
Les rats à Paris
Les forages en eaux profondes
La pratique de l’enquête
À l’école de l’esprit critique
Mener l’enquête
Mettre en forme l’enquête
Restituer l’enquête
L’art des controverses
Les auteur·rice·s