Cet ouvrage étudie l'évolution des inégalités et s'efforce d'identifier les facteurs responsables, soit de la persistance de certains phénomènes d'inégalités, soit de l'apparition de phénomènes nouveaux. Les institutions de type soviétique provoquent...
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This book studies the évolution of inequalities in time and attempts to identify the factors which account for : either the persistance of certain phenomena of inequality or the appearance of new phenomena. Soviet-type institutions produce cleavages and constraints which limit the scope of egalitarian ambitions by introducing new inequalities. The interest of the book is two-fold. On one hand, it covers the social, économie and political field as a whole (the authors study inequalities in income, consumption, social mobility, way of living, schooling, careers). On the other hand, the comparative approach leads to a reflection on the measure of social inequality, which could be renewed in the light of the expériences of Eastern Europe.