Dans tous les Etats modernes, il existe, sous une forme ou sous une autre, un gouvernement chargé de conduire les affaires du pays. Comment ce gouvernement fonctionne-t-il, sur la base de quelle organisation, avec quelles méthodes de travail ? Cet...
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In ail modem states there is an administration whose task is to run the country's affairs. How do governments work ? What are their organizatlonal Systems ? Their work methods ? The book, based on a course taught at the Paris Institut d'études politiques, is devoted mainly to France, but it also provides insights into foreign institutions. This is not only a précise and thorough description of the organs, the functions and the procédures of governemental work, but also a personal and systematic analysis of current problems : the difficultés of cohabitation, the relations between civil servants and politics, the search of a communication strategy.