Kwame Anthony Appiah-Rainer Bauböck-Patricia Hill Collins-Lisa Disch-Rainer Forst-Axel Gosseries-Bonnie Honig-Cécile Laborde-Justine Lacroix-Hélène Landemore-Antonio Negri-Marcos Nobre-Anne Phillips-Jean-Yves Pranchère-Yves Sintomer Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak-Nadia Urbinati-Michael Walzer-Lea Ypi Read More
This 20-year anniversary issue of Raisons politiques offers readers a collective refl ection on the identity of political theory. The scholars we invited to contribute have provided an overview of the multiple facets of the discipline as well as of their own views on practicing and teaching political theory. We hope to give the reader a sense of the diversity of methods and approaches, the critical and political scope of
political theory and philosophy, and their connection to the humanities and the social sciences.
La théorie politique aujourd'hui
Benjamin Boudou et Astrid von Busekist
Political Theory Today
Benjamin Boudou et Astrid von Busekist
Experiments in Political Theory
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Political Theory and the Social Sciences: An Estranged Couple that Belongs Together but has Grown Apart
Rainer Bauböck
The Politics of Theory
Patricia Hill Collins
Political Theory: Intellectual Decline or De-Institutionalisation ?
Lisa Disch
Critical Political Theory
Rainer Forst
Une théorie politique normative à mains nues
Axel Gosseries
Political Theory and its Futures
Bonnie Honig
Sur la théorie politique au Royaume-Uni
Cécile Laborde
La visée de l’universel requiert la réflexivité historique
Justine Lacroix et Jean-Yves Pranchère
La théorie politique inductive
Hélène Landemore
La théorie politique : une historicisation et une mondialisation de la pensée politique
Antonio Negri
La théorie politique critique dans des conditions d’inégalités abyssales
Marcos Nobre
Political Theory as Risk and Disruption
Anne Phillips
Pour une théorie politique plurielle et cosmopolite
Yves Sintomer
Not Political Theory
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
On the Necessity of Political Theory
Nadia Urbinati
Political Theory as Political Practice
Michael Walzer
Raising Critical Consciousness
Lea Ypi
In memoriam Guy Michelat
Marc Sadoun