Ce livre explore les sources de la stabilité du régime soviétique, en examinant sa capacité à produire des biens et services en quantité et qualité suffisantes pour satisfaire sa population et maintenir le pays à son haut niveau de puissance mondiale...
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This book explores the sources of the Soviet régime's stability through an examination of its capacity to produce goods and services in sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy its population and maintain the country at its high world power level without fundamentally challenging its own bases. The basic choices open to the Soviet régime are examined not in terms of great options but in terms of its concrète organizational capacities. A study of the post 1965 period and of the crucial question of market socialism by first examining the USSR's loyal internai criticisms links the administrativist approach with political analysis which leads to original perspectives on the régime's adaptability to the realities of peaceful compétition between the main world économie Systems.