Even though it generally benefits the economy overall, globalisation penalises French citizens for whom the drop in prices does not compensate for the negative impact on wages. Lionel Fontagne decodes these mechanisms, which do not challenge globalisation so much as the inability of public policies to distribute its benefits. Read More
Increasing purchase power for all, loss of wages for some; global trade has an important impact on social situation of individuals. Even though it generally benefits the economy overall, globalisation penalises French citizens for whom the drop in prices does not compensate for the negative impact on wages. On the one hand there are the winners of globalisation - who are younger, well-educated, well-paid, and urban - and other the other, there are those whose professional skills are difficult to reconvert and who live far from key areas of employment. Lionel Fontagne decodes these mechanisms, which do not challenge globalisation so much as the inability of public policies to distribute its benefits to those who are left behind.
Chapitre 1 – La recherche des preuves
Où les économistes mènent l'enquête
Où les politiques s'en mêlent
Les faits
Les suspects
Chapitre 2 – Comment le commerce international façonne-t‑il le marché du travail ?
La gravitation est partout
Qu’y a-t‑il vraiment dans votre caddie ?
Votre salaire est-il fixé à New Delhi ou à Rennes ?
Chapitre 3 – Les deux faces de la mondialisation
Votre caddie est moins cher
Votre feuille de paye
Chapitre 4 – Où les firmes multinationales font leur entrée dans le box des accusés
Capital contre travail ?
Les suspects étaient complices
Superstars et techies
Liste des signes et acronymes
Table des graphiques