
The postal rates are linked to the weight of the book and where the parcel is sent

Weight in grams up to
Zone 1
Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
250 2.22 2.22 4.00 5.00
500 3.02 3.02 6.00 7.20
1000 3.92 3.92 8.60 10.60
1500 3.92 3.92 11.10 14.15
2000 5.16 5.16 12.40 16.65
3000 6.04 6.04 12.40 27.75
4000 8.69 8.69 13.00 29.30
5000 9.39 9.39 13.60 32.90
6000 10.09 10.09 14.20 36.50
7000 10.84 10.84 14.80 40.10
8000 11.59 11.59 15.40 43.70
9000 12.34 12.34 42.00 47.50
10 000 13.09 13.09 16.60 50.90

Zone 1: France  plus Andorra and Monaco

Zone 2 : Dom-Tom (French overseas territories)

Zone 3 : European Union plus Switzerland

Zone 4: Other countries