The notions of merit and equal opportunity constitute not only the precepts of a society where strong inequalities persist, but that they are, in certain ways, contrary to justice.
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Marie Duru-Bellat
Recueil d'expertises mutualisées et d’expériences locales dans la région méditerranéenne pour réduire le gaspillage des ressources naturelles, de l'alimentation et des connaissances, Mediterra 2016 fournit des clés de lecture et des solutions aux décideurs politiques, aux opérateurs du développement, aux professionnels et aux chercheurs.
Zéro gaspillage en Méditerranée. Ressources naturelles, alimentation et connaissances
FAO Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, CIHEAM
This Manifesto for environmental geography illustrates a collective desire to go beyond individual practices in order to examine the epistemological and political role of geography when challenged by environmental crises.
Géographie, écologie, politique
Denis Chartier, Estienne Rodary
The criticism being levied is not new. In fact, though it first appeared after the 'defeat' of the "Front populaire", it has consistently returned since: French socialists are said to be economically incompetent. A stereotype? Mathieu Fulla offers an economic history of politics that participates in the current debate within the Left.
Une histoire économique du politique
Mathieu Fulla
Since Marine Le Pen was elected president of the Front National in 2011, the party has broken all its electoral records, attracted an unprecedented number of new supporters, and elected the most officials ever in its history. But has the party truly changed? Fundamentally, the answer is no. This is the conclusion of the thorough investigation.
Sociologie d'un parti politique
Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé
A unique and timely perspective on interactions between capital and industry, especially given the current on-going changes in industry.
France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, 1880-1930
Philippe Marguerat
This book provides a detailed investigation of public policy regarding subjective rights - right to housing, patients' rights, equal rights and equal opportunities, the participation and citizenship of persons with disabilities, the right to a minimum income, etc. - supported by insights from legal, sociological and political science perspectives.
Politique des droits et pratiques des institutions
Pierre-Yves Baudot, Anne Revillard
The desertion of politics, whose legitimacy is based on dialogue, compromise and the reference to the law, leaves the way open to a wave of multiform violence in this region. This work attempts to decipher the mechanisms behind this violence.
Pierre Blanc, Jean-Paul Chagnollaud
Les formes contemporaines de résistance sont-elles vraiment nouvelles ? D'où naît l'indignation ? L’analyse des pratiques de résistance comme les mobilisations homosexuelles, RESF, les AMAP, etc., tente de répondre à ces questions.
Bruno Frère, Marc Jacquemain
L'heure est au bilan des opérations de démolition-reconstruction des grands ensembles, lancées en 2003 par le programme national de rénovation urbaine. Ce livre dresse une précieuse mise en perceptive historique des politiques de la ville en France.
Démolition-reconstruction de l'État
Renaud Epstein
Cet ouvrage, rédigé une équipe de chercheurs français, fournit un cadre pour comprendre la situation des partis en France et soulève également une interrogation sur une éventuelle « manière française » de les appréhender, en bref qui ouvre un débat.
Carole Bachelot, Alexandre Dézé
Florence Haegel
Far from the impediments of a heroic history of Europe with its crises and re-founding treaties, the author shows why and how law became the principal device through which Europe was able to impose itself as a new power centre.
L'invention d'un programme institutionnel pour l'Europe
Antoine Vauchez
A sociological, historical and European approach to the phenomenon of partisanship applied to the Right in France and to the UMP (Union pour un mouvement populaire) since 2002, that will help understanding the actual leadership conflict at the top of UMP.
Transformations de l'UMP
A geopolitical analysis of an unstable region considered from the largely overlooked, though determining in terms of power and security, point of view of agricultural and water policy.
Pierre Blanc
How do these people, be they immigrants or the descendents of immigrants, write themselves into French society?
Enquête sur les citoyens d'origine maghrébine, africaine et turque
Sylvain Brouard, Vincent Tiberj
An original thesis defending that social movements are neither a marginal component of the political landscape, nor a menace to democracy, but revive founding principles.
Mouvements sociaux et politique en France aujourd'hui
Lilian Mathieu
This book focuses on the evolution of campaigns and political activism online. ...). It offers an unprecedented overview of the uses of the Internet by the French parties compared to American, Italian and British parties.
Les partis politiques sur le web
Fabienne Greffet
An illuminating essay, in a European context where multiculturalism tends to fade the shadow of a "neo-assimilationism," notably in France where ethnic statistics and the under-representation of minorities remain subjects for fierce debate.
Comparaisons franco-britanniques
Romain Garbaye