Une analyse des enquêtes sur les valeurs depuis les années 1980 dans les pays occidentaux qui montre plutôt la grande stabilité des attentes à l'égard du travail mais révèle en revanche d'importantes disparités nationales : certains pays valorisent le travail comme vocation ou norme quand d’autres privilégient une conception plus utilitariste.
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Contrastes et évolutions en France et dans les pays développés
Olivier Galland
This book provides an overview of current knowledge on the effects of energy and environmental transition on employment.
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline
Cet ouvrage présente l'état des connaissances sur les politiques d'emploi ciblées sur les jeunes.
Pierre Cahuc, Jérémy Hervelin
An entirely new perspective on the employment of older workers, which takes into account the way professions have evolved, and which moves beyond debates on retirement age.
Hippolyte d'Albis
Le salaire minimum est-il forcément l'ennemi de l'emploi ? La polémique ne faiblit pas, en particulier en France, sur ce seuil légal dont les premières formes ont été introduites il y a plus d’un siècle pour lutter contre les salaires de misère.
Jérôme Gautié
L'ouvrage met au jour les sources profondes, parfois invisibles, d'un bien-être au travail dont l’impact sur la vie sociale et économique est considérable. Il passe en revue les leviers dont les ressources humaines devraient s’emparer pour accroître l’épanouissement professionnel de leurs salariés : autonomie, perspectives de progression, etc.
Ce qui compte
Claudia Senik
Disabled people face persistent marginalisation on the job market. This overview of the situation, with contributions from international research, demonstrates the importance of changing practices and representations surrounding disability within organizations, in order to facilitate the hiring and career progression of disabled workers.
Anne Revillard
Is there a cause and effect relationship between social dialogue and economic performance? What impact does union action have on the productivity and profitability of businesses? This book seeks to respond to all these questions based on studies conducted in Europe and around the world.
Marc Ferracci, Florian Guyot
The polarisation of the labour market affects most countries and has become a striking phenomenon over the last two decades. It has led to an explosion in wage gaps and an increased risk of unemployment and insecurity. Is this phenomenon inevitable ?
Pourquoi l'emploi se polarise
Grégory Verdugo
This book describes the modalities of a relevant evaluation of labor market actions, which often involves the setting up of control groups, a practice that is not widely practiced in France. It also outlines the main findings of randomized studies in North America and Europe.
Apprendre de l'expérience
Bruno Crépon, Gérard Van den Berg
Youth unemployment, a problem of housing market? The authors analyze the policies of access to employment and housing, and propose five policy measures that would increase the mobility of young people and improve their integration into the labor market.
Les jeunes, l'emploi et le logement
Jean-Benoît Eyméoud, Étienne Wasmer
In France, there is a dual labor market: one with stable jobs heavily protected and the other with precarious employment whose durations are getting shorter and shorter. What is the origin of this contractual dualism and how does it affect the functioning of the French labor market ?
Les effets d'un dualisme contractuel
François Fontaine, Franck Malherbet
Drawing on very rich statistical data that has hitherto been neglected, this work establishes the first overview of the activity of staff representatives. It reveals that the legal framework within which they operate is ill-adapted to their activity, often pitting employee representatives, employees and employers against each other.
Thomas Breda
Unemployment affects more young people with low education and skills. The solution to this problem is to improve educational provision. This book compares the performance of various education, training and prevention in several European countries - the Netherlands, Poland, France and Sweden - and the United States.
Des jeunes laissés pour compte
Francis Kramarz, Martina Viarengo
Professional training greatly increases employment opportunities for low-skilled youth. As this work demonstrates, it shall be necessary to modify the governance of vocational education and funding for sandwich training in order to reach this objective.
Donner la priorité aux moins qualifiés
Pierre Cahuc, Marc Ferracci
Une analyse comparative des contrats flexibles, de leur régime juridique, de leur incidence sur les droits individuels et collectifs en France, en Italie, en Espagne, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis alors qu'ils semblent devenir la norme.
Une comparaison internationale
Sophie Robin-Olivier
Les États-Unis disposent d'un système de « bonus-malus » pour le financement de l'assurance chômage sans équivalent. Passant en revue les nombreuses études consacrées à ces questions, les auteurs soulignent les bénéfices qui pourraient être attendus de l'adaptation en Europe d'un tel système et notamment en France.
Stéphane Auray, David L. Fuller
This book analyzes the concepts of "flexicurity" and "career security", their different interpretations in France and Europe in order to improve their economic and social efficiency and to help a systemic overhaul of employment policies.
Jacky Fayolle, Florian Guyot