Tarifs discriminants et monopoles de l'eau potable - Performance des banques islamiques vs banques conventionnelles - Lutte contre la pauvreté et incitations à l'emploi - L’étrange « jugement majoritaire » - Réponse à des critiques du jugement majoritaire
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et al.
Life at work is just as important for the construction of individuals as their social belonging or education. From the 1970s, Renaud Sainsaulieu revolutionized French sociology of organizations with this book by shedding light on the fundamental cultural effect of professional activity.
Les effets culturels de l'organisation
Renaud Sainsaulieu
The notions of merit and equal opportunity constitute not only the precepts of a society where strong inequalities persist, but that they are, in certain ways, contrary to justice.
Marie Duru-Bellat
This book provides the key to understanding what the digital revolution has done to our societies and what we do with digital technology. Digital worlds have history, geography, economics and politics that are much richer than the public debate on the evils of the web lead us to imagine.
Dominique Cardon
Who are the men and women who participated in May 1968? What was the impact of their activism on their children? Based on a large scale survey among "ordinary sixty-huitards", the book rehabilitates a plural history of May 68 by combining statistical analysis and life stories.
Événements et socialisation politique
Julie Pagis
Les formes contemporaines de résistance sont-elles vraiment nouvelles ? D'où naît l'indignation ? L’analyse des pratiques de résistance comme les mobilisations homosexuelles, RESF, les AMAP, etc., tente de répondre à ces questions.
Bruno Frère, Marc Jacquemain
An history of alternative media since the 60's. It sets out to demonstrate its variety, from revolutionary press experiences to mediactivism within the global social justice movement network.
2e édition augmentée et mise à jour
Dominique Cardon, Fabien Granjon
The first analysis of the major reforms and policies that characterize Sarkozy's presidency.
Jacques de Maillard, Yves Surel
This book addresses what is called the "crisis of representation". Parting from the idea that this is a rhetorical issue, it attempts to shed light on the truth of representative systems.
Structure et fondement d'une crise
Didier Mineur
In this passionate history of the CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail), Nicolas Defaud shows how the CFDT has shifted from management-based socialism to apolitical reformism in less than a generation.
De l'autogestion au syndicalisme de proposition
Nicolas Defaud
L'auteur nous livre ici une réflexion stimulante sur la signification de la persistance et de l'amplification du phénomène corporatif, en s'efforçant d'échapper aux jugements de valeur simplistes récurrents le concernant.
Jacques Capdevielle
Quelles sont les conditions de la politisation des enfants et des préadolescents ? Anne Percheron souligne l'influence de l'âge, du sexe, de l'environnement social, mais aussi du rôle joué par la proximité avec une famille politisée.
Annick Percheron
René Rémond