Critique à la fois contre et dans le marché, avec lequel elle entretient une relation ambiguë, la consommation engagée s'impose aujourd’hui dans l’espace public comme un moyen d’influencer les acteurs économiques et les gouvernements. Mais les consommateurs peuvent-ils réellement changer les règles du jeu ?
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3e édition revue et augmentée
Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Drawing on global comparisons and historical examples, Pierre Blanc provides a geopolitical perspective on the climate.
Pierre Blanc
Environnement, climat, défense et sécurité : un agenda en transformation-Le changement climatique dans les politiques de défense aux États-Unis-Les casques verts et la protection de l'environnement en Afrique-L’environnement comme problème stratégique-Une approche critique de l’expertise face à l’Anthropocène-Le cas de l’Asie du Sud
Environnement et défense
Adrien Estève, Lucile Maertens
The voice of the IPCC can be heard everywhere today – and it is increasingly insistent. No one can ignore that levels of greenhouse gases are rising, that the impacts of climate change are being felt on all continents, and that solutions to these challenges exist.
Kari De Pryck
François Gemenne
Specialising in questions of defence and climate, the authors of this book – the first dedicated to this immense issue – sketch a panorama of the strategic and operational risks associated with climate change. They anticipate what this "hot war" might look like, analysing the challenges armed forces will face, and how they can address them.
Enjeux stratégiques du changement climatique
Nicolas Regaud, Bastien Alex
It is imperative to deconstruct this productivist imaginary that ignores the nature and content of production. This second edition of Anthropocene Politics aims to contribute to this.
Penser la décroissance. Économie de l'après-croissance. Gouverner la décroissance
Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba
Political scientist and sociologist Emmanuel Henry draws on numerous cases to show how industry implements veritable strategies to exclude subjects that threaten its activities from the public debate.
Ou comment éviter que la politique s'en mêle
Emmanuel Henry
Voici le premier atlas réunissant l'ensemble des données sur la crise écologique de notre temps.
Deuxième édition actualisée et augmentée
François Gemenne, Aleksandar Rankovic
Jan Zalasiewicz
This exploration into the heart of EELV, and their Young Environmentalists, analyses the foundations of the involvement and the semi-professionalisation of political activists for whom values and practices are inseparable. Through these members, the book tells the story of a party that has set out to do politics differently.
Vanessa Jérome
Les récits politiques de l'Anthropocène. Articulation du politique en Anthropocène et de l’Anthropocène en politique - Interprétations de l’Anthropocène et anthropologies politiques Entretiens avec Dominique Bourg et Erle C. Ellis - Penser la protection de l’environnement en temps de guerre : les apports de la tradition de la guerre juste
et al.
Pesticides have long been the object of public policies that seek to guarantee that their toxic effects will not harm the human populations. Yet, over the last twenty-five years, data produced by a number of epidemiological studies conducted outside the marketing approval process give rise to questions about just how solid these guarantees are.
Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait
Jean-Noël Jouzel
Les phénomènes migratoires occupent une place essentielle dans les agendas politiques. La nouvelle édition du rapport Mediterra donne la parole à des experts pour analyser leurs effets sur les équilibres socioéconomiques des territoires d'origine et d'accueil, dans un contexte climatique déjà préoccupant.
Migrations et développement rural inclusif en Méditerranée
We all understand that infinite growth in a finite world is impossible, yet we act as if that were not true.To preserve our mental health we refuse to consider embarrassing truths, hoping that all will turn out well, but not really knowing how...
Sortir de l'impasse
Gilbert Rist
This book paves the way for discussion on alternative ways of living on earth, as improbable as they may seem, and in so doing, demonstrates that the future is not merely the linear prolongation of the present.
Rémi Beau, Catherine Larrère
Philippe Descola
With environmental urgency facing us everywhere, innovative urban projects to reduce pollution and waste are emerging around the world. But how useful are these experiences on a global scale? Is it possible to make a town durable without being detrimental to its surroundings? This book sets out to explore these questions.
Nouveaux modèles de gestion des ressources
Dominique Lorrain, Charlotte Halpern
The politicisation of biodiversity is the subject of this pluri-disciplinary book, which brings together a range of scientific fields & covers previously neglected dimensions of this issue, including economies of scale, the political impact of the scientific categories mobilised by actors & the instrumentalization of international norms by states.
Daniel Compagnon, Estienne Rodary
How are the "mega-farms" organised? What are their logics and modes of action? In what spaces do they situate themselves? How does a family farm become an agricultural company? What kind of actors are involved? What are their attitudes towards politics? What conflicts do they provoke? The first study of an emerging global phenomenon.
De la ferme à la firme
François Purseigle, Geneviève Nguyen