Une enquête singulière, menée pendant quatre ans au cœur du dispositif médico-légal français, qui nous entraîne dans le quotidien de ces « blouses blanches » dont le rôle est de transformer les corps des victimes, vivantes ou mortes, en preuves judiciaires.
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Une enquête sociologique
Romain Juston Morival
Twenty years after they were introduced in France, generic drugs remain controversial. For some they are authentic drugs, upon which the survival of our health insurance system depends. For others, they are poor imitations which sacrifice health in the name of economics. The development of these generics has reconfigured the French health system.
Sociologie des génériques en France
Étienne Nouguez
Focusing on Congress and questions of health protection, Anne Laure Beaussier shows how the changes in federal power since the 1970s and the ideological polarization between democrats and republicans have affected the social policies of this country.
Une histoire politique
Anne-Laure Beaussier
Designed for practitioners, students and professors, this is the first dictionary devoted to health expertise. It describes the uses, notions and concepts of the field. Drawing on the most recent research, it simultaneously illustrates the institutional context surrounding expertise and the actors that contribute to it or endure its consequences.
Santé, travail, environnement
Claude Gilbert, Emmanuel Henry