L'institutionnalisation de l’élite du welfare au cœur de l’État-Le réinvestissement des missions institutionnelles par les grands corps de l’État-Dans les coulisses numériques d’une indignation collective-La neutralisation décisionnelle des dispositifs participatifs en France
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et al.
La recomposition des gender gaps électoraux à l'élection présidentielle française de 2022-L’extrême droite et le « retour de bâton » culturel dans l’élection présidentielle de 2022-Les demandes populistes en 2022 : des préférences électorales consistantes et stables-Retour sur la fabrique d’une Assemblée sans majorité en 2022
Elections françaises 2022 (1)
The real winner of the 2022 French presidential elections was the far-right party Rassemblement National. As an expert analyst of French politics, Luc Rouban explains this major shift by an accumulation of factors.
Luc Rouban
According to Pierre Lascoumes, there are structural factors that explain the perpetuation of transgression among the elites.
Pierre Lascoumes
Political mistrust is a French speciality. Political scientists are constantly measuring its range and intensity. Here, Luc Rouban has set out to understand its mechanisms.
This book provides insight into the CEVIPOF, the major centre for research in social and human sciences, through the testimonies of researchers who spent time there, the models and concepts they developed and discussed there, and the accounts of political, intellectual, and social figures who collaborated with the centre.
60 ans d'histoire du CEVIPOF
Martial Foucault, Pascal Perrineau
Historiens, politistes, économistes, archivistes et grands témoins font revivre les temps forts d'une gauche de gouvernement aux prises avec la fin de la guerre froide et proposent une réflexion sur les limites que la Ve République impose au pouvoir du Premier ministre.
La deuxième gauche et le pouvoir (1988-1991)
Alain Bergounioux, Mathieu Fulla
Le Front national, une affaire de famille : le recrutement des candidat.e.s durant les élections municipales de 2014-Les configurations explicatives de la participation individuelle à l'action collective : le cas de salarié.e.s d’entreprises en réduction d’effectifs- Le rôle des entrepreneurs politiques dans les processus de transfert
The referendum is a political tool that provokes deep distrust among elites. Yet if it is well designed, a referendum can accompany certain major political decisions, help to create a relationship of trust between citizens and institutions, and may also play a central role in the experimental forms of particularity at the local levels.
Laurence Morel
In a context where policy and campaign platforms have become like any other product for consumption, and in which an increasingly large part of the population feels deprived of autonomy and forced to suffer to the negative effects of globalization, class warfare has changed. Notions of representativity and universality are no longer relevant here.
In order to try and retrace the DNA of Macronism after a year of scandals, Luc Rouban draws on large-scale surveys of French public opinion, as well as on the entourage of the President and the new Assembly.
This unbiased portrait, provided by economists, historians, political scientists, and legal scholars, shows that in its sixty years of existence, the 5th French Republic has only survived by transforming itself.
Olivier Duhamel, Martial Foucault
By tracing the role the profession of business lawyer has acquired within the confines of the state and the market, the authors of this fascinating investigation explore the contours of this grey area at the edge of political and administrative institutions. What does this ascension cost us today, both politically and democratically ?
Enquête sur un grand brouillage
Pierre France, Antoine Vauchez
Using the tools of political science, Emiliano Grossman and Nicolas Sauger have drawn up a diagnosis of this French malady, identifying its causes and offering a number of roads to recovery.
Emiliano Grossman, Nicolas Sauger
Crossing records of unpublished archives, interviews, ethnographic observation, articles and statistics, this book provides, beyond the folklore of Marseille a vision both precise and distanced of the ways to govern a city.
Gouvernement et hégémonie politique à Marseille
Cesare Mattina
As erudite as it is enjoyable, this volume opens up new avenues for reflection, enriching the debate on the role and influence of the Prince's advisors.
Cabinets et conseillers de l'exécutif
Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, Xavier Bioy
Cette enquête va au-devant d'une population oubliée et hétérogène, celle des «précaires». Elle montre que, faute de dispositifs leur facilitant l'accès à l'espace public, les individus en situation de précarité n'ont pas rompu avec la politique, mais qu'ils demeurent la plupart du temps inaudibles.
Sociologie politique des précaires
Céline Braconnier, Nonna Mayer
It is necessary to share someone's ideas in order to love or appreciate them? This book illustrates the constant interweaving of our private lives with our political beliefs. The authors invite us to see politics through the prism of our private lives, thus allowing us to explore other ways to understand the politicisation of individuals.
Politique, affectivité, intimité
Anne Muxel