Critique à la fois contre et dans le marché, avec lequel elle entretient une relation ambiguë, la consommation engagée s'impose aujourd’hui dans l’espace public comme un moyen d’influencer les acteurs économiques et les gouvernements. Mais les consommateurs peuvent-ils réellement changer les règles du jeu ?
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3e édition revue et augmentée
Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
This book shows that, far from being a linear progression, practices of mending and repair fluctuate depending on the moment and particularly on obstacles such as lack of access to repair support, lack of legitimacy and recognition from family and friends, the technical resistance of objects, and planned obsolescence by manufacturers.
Pratiques et ressources dans l'art de déconsommer
Julie Madon
This book provides an overview of current knowledge on the effects of energy and environmental transition on employment.
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline
This book, the result of a decade-long study, recounts the difficulty of active participants in an agricultural system, based on the widespread use of pesticides, in considering themselves victims and demanding compensation.
Le long combat des victimes des pesticides
Jean-Noël Jouzel, Giovanni Prete
Drawing on global comparisons and historical examples, Pierre Blanc provides a geopolitical perspective on the climate.
Pierre Blanc
Agriculture is a burning issue, but one that ignores the unspoken revolution that is underway. This book sets out to put this revolution into words, to reflect on a future that does not neglect those directly concerned.
La révolution indicible
Bertrand Hervieu, François Purseigle
Gestion territoriale participative au Québec : une guerre des mondes-Pour un développement durable plus humain : initiatives locales en Guadeloupe et en Martinique- Conscience écologique et pratiques professionnelles : le cas des ingénieurs-Une appropriation du développement durable par la bande dessinée
Transition écologique : questionnements et initiatives locales
Danielle Cerland-Kamelgarn, François Granier
The voice of the IPCC can be heard everywhere today – and it is increasingly insistent. No one can ignore that levels of greenhouse gases are rising, that the impacts of climate change are being felt on all continents, and that solutions to these challenges exist.
Kari De Pryck
François Gemenne
Specialising in questions of defence and climate, the authors of this book – the first dedicated to this immense issue – sketch a panorama of the strategic and operational risks associated with climate change. They anticipate what this "hot war" might look like, analysing the challenges armed forces will face, and how they can address them.
Enjeux stratégiques du changement climatique
Nicolas Regaud, Bastien Alex
The environmentalist movement has set out to raise awareness among the general public of the debates organised around the question of the environment. These debates involve Earth sciences, anthropology, sociology, history, geography, economics, and philosophy.
Pierre Charbonnier
It is imperative to deconstruct this productivist imaginary that ignores the nature and content of production. This second edition of Anthropocene Politics aims to contribute to this.
Penser la décroissance. Économie de l'après-croissance. Gouverner la décroissance
Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba
Political scientist and sociologist Emmanuel Henry draws on numerous cases to show how industry implements veritable strategies to exclude subjects that threaten its activities from the public debate.
Ou comment éviter que la politique s'en mêle
Emmanuel Henry
Voici le premier atlas réunissant l'ensemble des données sur la crise écologique de notre temps.
Deuxième édition actualisée et augmentée
François Gemenne, Aleksandar Rankovic
Jan Zalasiewicz
Based on interviews with the primary protagonists and the exclusive consultation of government archives, the book presents several political and bureaucratic spaces in which the debates on the subject took place and where the opposing arguments – always intricately connected to struggles for power – were laid out.
Enquête sur l'interdiction française du gaz de schiste
Sébastien Chailleux, Philippe Zittoun
This exploration into the heart of EELV, and their Young Environmentalists, analyses the foundations of the involvement and the semi-professionalisation of political activists for whom values and practices are inseparable. Through these members, the book tells the story of a party that has set out to do politics differently.
Vanessa Jérome
The spread of urbanisation is heating the planet, destroying biodiversity, and making us even more vulnerable to climate change. But cities are also our common good. They are the sites of wealth creation, innovation, culture, solidarity, and resilience. This Atlas provides an unprecedented perspective on our urbanized world.
Eric Verdeil, Thomas Ansart
Les récits politiques de l'Anthropocène. Articulation du politique en Anthropocène et de l’Anthropocène en politique - Interprétations de l’Anthropocène et anthropologies politiques Entretiens avec Dominique Bourg et Erle C. Ellis - Penser la protection de l’environnement en temps de guerre : les apports de la tradition de la guerre juste
et al.
Pesticides have long been the object of public policies that seek to guarantee that their toxic effects will not harm the human populations. Yet, over the last twenty-five years, data produced by a number of epidemiological studies conducted outside the marketing approval process give rise to questions about just how solid these guarantees are.
Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait
Jean-Noël Jouzel