Crossing records of unpublished archives, interviews, ethnographic observation, articles and statistics, this book provides, beyond the folklore of Marseille a vision both precise and distanced of the ways to govern a city.
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Gouvernement et hégémonie politique à Marseille
Cesare Mattina
In the face of the awakening of fundamentalisms and violent extremisms, Jean Picq invites us to re-read our history, to identify the key points that have allowed us to define new relations between the spiritual and the temporal and to see the triumph of reason dedicated to civil peace.
Relire l'histoire, éclairer le présent
Jean Picq
In a society that promotes respect for privacy, freedom and mobility, detention centers, particularly the prison and the mental hospital, have a problematic character. This thema is interested in daily practices that reduce the disturbance induced by the contradictory injunctions to the institution.
Faire tenir les murs
et al.
Ce numéro porte sur la mise en place de dispositifs participatifs par des pouvoirs exécutifs de différente nature, dans des logiques de reproduction d'un ordre politique et social existant, à rebours de la promesse d’approfondissement démocratique par laquelle ils sont légitimés.
L'État participatif
Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé
This survey on the rise of plantation companies since the 1970s, shows the conditions for the emergence and development of agrarian capitalism with a strong environmental and economic impact both in Asia and over the World.
Économie politique de la grande plantation en Indonésie et en Malaisie
Stéphanie Barral
What popular culture can teach political theory ? Inventory of theoretical reflections on popular culture, the authors of this dossier intend to participate in the construction of "French" cultural studies and call for more research on marginalized subjects in France .
Pop et populaire. Politiques du mainstream
Keivan Djavadzadeh, Pierre Raboud
The goal of the book is to present the most recent theoretical debates on multiculturalism philosophies. A sort of vade mecum for university students, academics and involved citizens, the book will interest a broad audience wishing to understand the challenges of ethnic and cultural diversity via a concise, cutting-edge summary.
Paul May
À la différence de la plupart des ouvrages existants, traitant séparément soit du droit du travail, parfois élargi à la formation professionnelle et aux politiques de l'emploi, soit de tout ou partie du reste des politiques sociales, il couvre l'ensemble du champ social.
4e édition revue et mise à jour
Pascal Penaud
"Eat smart, be smart", "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", "Same medicine, same results", "Smoking kills"… A critical attempt at deciphering an increasingly widespread form of governance, where individual behaviour becomes a space for public intervention.
Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Vingt ans après la création des zones urbaines sensibles, des zones franches urbaines et des zones de redynamisation urbaine, et dix ans après la mise en place des contrats urbains de cohésion sociale, quels sont les enjeux de la politique des quartiers prioritaires ? Quels effets de territoires la motivent ?
Économie des quartiers prioritaires
Yannick L'Horty, Pierre Morin
This volume purpose is to chart a path back to Hegel, in order to mine the resources that a return to the original formulation of the struggle for recognition in the "Phenomenology of Spirit" provides for deepening contemporary understandings of the concept of recognition.
La reconnaissance. Lectures hégéliennes
Charlotte Epstein, Thomas Lindemann
Including contributions from sociologists, political scientists, philosophers, historians and psychologists on the subject of our increasingly labile political identities, this volume highlights how politics are shaped by time, whether the collective time of generations, or, more personally speaking, the stages of life.
Les recompositions de l'identité
Anne Muxel
The criticism being levied is not new. In fact, though it first appeared after the 'defeat' of the "Front populaire", it has consistently returned since: French socialists are said to be economically incompetent. A stereotype? Mathieu Fulla offers an economic history of politics that participates in the current debate within the Left.
Une histoire économique du politique
Mathieu Fulla
Une étude des cadres intermédiaires de la fonction publique qui analyse une grande variété de cas : les attachés territoriaux, les cadres des services de probation, les cadres de santé, les chargés de mission Europe dans les collectivités territoriales, les cadres administratifs des universités et les directeurs de parc nationaux.
Les cadres intermédiaires de la fonction publique
As erudite as it is enjoyable, this volume opens up new avenues for reflection, enriching the debate on the role and influence of the Prince's advisors.
Cabinets et conseillers de l'exécutif
Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, Xavier Bioy
Unemployment affects more young people with low education and skills. The solution to this problem is to improve educational provision. This book compares the performance of various education, training and prevention in several European countries - the Netherlands, Poland, France and Sweden - and the United States.
Des jeunes laissés pour compte
Francis Kramarz, Martina Viarengo
In 1989 in Algeria, a pluralist democracy replaced an authoritarian system. How this democratic experiment was organized? And how has it failed three years later? A key book to understand the singular position of Algeria and its "stability" during the "Arab revolutions".
Apprentissages politiques et changement de régime
Myriam Aït-Aoudia
Since Marine Le Pen was elected president of the Front National in 2011, the party has broken all its electoral records, attracted an unprecedented number of new supporters, and elected the most officials ever in its history. But has the party truly changed? Fundamentally, the answer is no. This is the conclusion of the thorough investigation.
Sociologie d'un parti politique
Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé