Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
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Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
PRIX LOUIS MARIN 2014. Au pouvoir en même temps de 1974 à 1981, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et Helmut Schmidt ont une volonté commune : faire progresser l'union économique et monétaire en Europe. Riche des témoignages inédits des principaux acteurs, ce livre offre un éclairage sur une période d'une importance considérable pour l'histoire de l’Europe.
La persévérance récompensée
Amaury de Saint Périer
Jacques de Larosière
This book is a historic, economic, political and legal synthesis of the process of the Europeanization of public services. The author explains why it is a historical rupture, from nation-state organization to a definition of common principles and norms.
Pierre Bauby
The glance of the Turks on Europe and their disenchantment with the reluctance of Europeans are the original angle of this book which offers a cross-analysis of the evolution of European and Turkish point of views.
L'opinion des Européens et des Turcs
Bruno Cautrès, Nicolas Monceau
Ce classique des études urbaines montre que les villes européennes (de taille moyenne) sont un phénomène historique de longue durée, et qu'elles demeurent innovantes et dynamiques malgré les processus de globalisation.
2e édition augmentée d'une préface inédite
Patrick Le Galès
By involving contemporary paradigms of economic geography, comparing the development strategies employed by the central European States to others, Irish or Asian, this book provides a valuable framework for understanding the new geography of Europe.
Recomposition et européanisation des territoires
Gilles Lepesant
This book tells the history of Ashridge College, institution created in 1929 to form the militants of the conservative party and produce conservative intellectuals.
Ashridge College, premier think tank conservateur
Clarisse Berthezène
Une analyse de l'évolution des conservateurs depuis 1990 et l'ascension fulgurante de son leader David Cameron qui accompagne la victoire des Tories après des années de clivages internes et le fardeau de l'héritage Thatchérien.
Les conservateurs britanniques (1990-2010)
Agnès Alexandre-Collier
This book provides a clear assessment of the New Labour public policies and their outcomes in Britain under the leadership of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown from 1997 to 2009.
Le bilan de Tony Blair et de Gordon Brown
Florence Faucher, Patrick Le Galès
This work offers a complete view of the institutional system, the actors, the political game and modes of action of the European Union. It aims to offer the fundamental elements for comprehending current challenges Europe must face.
Renaud Dehousse
A provocative and simple analysis of the European integration process. Nicolas Jabko demonstrates that the European Commission deployed a strategy that invoked mulitple dimensions of the logic of the "market" to promote its political objectives.
Histoire d'une stratégie improbable
Nicolas Jabko
The aim of this book is to examine the changing nature of the European social model and its capacity to deal with both domestic and external challenges in the early 21st Century.
L'intégration européenne et les transformations de l'espace politique de la protection sociale
Maurizio Ferrera
Bruno Palier
Isabelle Mennesson
What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? This work helps to better understand the policies of European institutions, their issues and priorities.
Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez
A sharp essay retracing the evolutions of France's European policy starting in the early 1980’s, while offering paths for France to take in recovering a place in Europe, and for Europe in recovering a place in France...
Assumer le changement d'échelle
Christian Lequesne
Echoing the method of Fernand Braudel, Jean-Louis Quermonne offers a brief history of Europe facing the test of time...
Jean-Louis Quermonne
This book deals with the symbolic aspect of the European expansion and national political life...
Pouvoir et symbolique à l'ère de la gouvernance
François Foret
A rare work offering a panorama of the question of religion in Europe.
L'épreuve du pluriel
Antonela Capelle-Pagacean, Patrick Michel