An incisive essay on Europe's strenghts and weaknesses, as it seems to be stepping back on the international scene.
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Zaki Laïdi
Close to 32 million acres of rainforest are destroyed each year. Many tools exist to stop this catastrophe. But are they quite innovative and competitive? A remarquable essay on the tracks to favor!
Instruments de marchés et REDD+ versus principes de réalité
Romain Pirard
Alain Karsenty
As the world's economic scales tip in the direction of developing countries, Asia is called upon to play an essential role in the resolution of global problems. A fascinating essay on the future of global governance.
Yves Tiberghien
How to rethink the concept of sovereignty in times of ecological crisis? In reality, the crisis questions the core principles of the city: rather than a policy of men over things of nature, we must develop a cosmopolitan policy of nature.
Philosophie politique en temps de crise écologique
Gérard Mairet
Since the 2008 financial crisis, the G20 has established itself as the primary forum for international economic cooperation. This book is an insightful analysis of its rise and its impact on the international order at a turning point of its trajectory.
Karoline Postel-Vinay
This book provides a clear assessment of the New Labour public policies and their outcomes in Britain under the leadership of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown from 1997 to 2009.
Le bilan de Tony Blair et de Gordon Brown
Florence Faucher, Patrick Le Galès