The criticism being levied is not new. In fact, though it first appeared after the 'defeat' of the "Front populaire", it has consistently returned since: French socialists are said to be economically incompetent. A stereotype? Mathieu Fulla offers an economic history of politics that participates in the current debate within the Left.
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Une histoire économique du politique
Mathieu Fulla
The book presents the completely new history of Japanese social state whose policies and knowledge were developed in the nineteenth century .
Biopolitique, travail et citoyenneté dans le Japon impérial (1868-1945)
Bernard Thomann
This panoramic volume seeks to shed light on this historical turning point in public health and 'emergency medicine', led by Justin Godart — who would later become a member of both the French Resistance and the Righteous Among the Nations — while also deciphering the sometimes questionable uses of healthcare during wartime.
Une politique pionnière en univers incertain
Vincent Viet
This volume sheds light on the women of the French Resistance from a two-fold perspective: first, their repression as orchestrated by the occupying power, and second, the recognition they received after the Liberation.
La Résistance féminine dans le Nord de la France
Catherine Lacour-Astol
Alors qu'en ce début de XXIe siècle, la construction européenne et les défis de la mondialisation ébranle les concepts classiques de l'État et de la souveraineté, Jean Picq donne des clés pour penser la question de l'État aujourd'hui et bâtir l'Europe politique de demain.
Pouvoir, justice et droit du Moyen Âge à nos jours
Jean Picq
Through philosophical questioning and a historical approach open to input from sociology, geography, mathematical sciences, and the law, it is possible to envision a paradigm that encourages a cosmopolitical view of history that would benefit human life.
De l'origine du monde à la fin des temps
Alexandre Escudier, Laurent Martin
Specialising in the contemporary era, René Rémond (1918–2007) penned a number of works which contributed significantly to the revival of political and religious history in France. This collection brings together the accounts of historians who knew Rémond, who were influenced by his work with articles analysing specific elements of his oeuvre.
Jean-Noël Jeanneney, Jean-François Sirinelli
Jean Bérard offers us the untold story of the relationships between protest movements and the law, shining a light on their essential contribution to the development of criminal law and our contemporary penal system.
Les mouvements de contestation face au système pénal (1968-1983)
Jean Bérard
This is the extraordinary development of contemporary humanitarian and an important page of French social history that Axelle Brodiez-Dolino allows us to (re) read through two inseparable stories, those of Emmaus and the Abbé Pierre Pierre.
Axelle Brodiez-Dolino
Selwyn Image
Alexandra Harwood
Following extensive research in the Portuguese, Spanish, and French archives and a series of interviews with political and institutional actors from the period, this author offers an original history of migrants and Portuguese migration policies.
L'État portugais et ses migrants en France (1957-1974)
Victor Pereira
By recounting the origins, the history and the posterity of the Ligue from the 1880s to the 1930s, this book casts a new light on the history of French society in the first half of the 20th century.
La Ligue sociale d'acheteurs
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel
How did Vietnamese Communists succeed within 50 years in overthrowing colonial rule, keeping the American army at bay and conquering the South in 1975? The first exhaustive study on Vietnamese communism in over 30 years !
Construction d'un État nation entre Moscou et Pékin
Céline Marangé
This book tells the history of Ashridge College, institution created in 1929 to form the militants of the conservative party and produce conservative intellectuals.
Ashridge College, premier think tank conservateur
Clarisse Berthezène
50 years after the independance of African States, the history of the interest and active support of the United States in the development of the Francophonie.
Enjeux africains 1960-1970
Marine Lefevre
This book crosses histories and associations of tourism, popular leisure, and of the labor movement in order to shed new light on the hope, born in 1936, of the people's tourism, both social and educational.
De l'éducation populaire au secteur marchand (1945-1985)
Sylvain Pattieu
An analysis of the American democratic system throughout the course of the 20th century, as illuminated by the Nixon presidency.
Le cas Nixon
Romain Huret
This book is not just a simple biography : it is a rare opportunity to discover a usually closed-off universe and a CEO's daily work.
Pierre Lefaucheux (1944-1955)
Cyrille Sardais
À partir des génocides des arméniens, des juifs et des tutsis, ce livre exceptionnel est la première tentative internationale, comparative et pluridisciplinaire pour constituer l'acte de sauvetage en objet de recherche...
De la pluralité des actes de sauvetage
Jacques Sémelin, Claire Andrieu