Représentations/politiques publiques autour de la sélection sexuelle prénatale (Vietnam) - Inégalités dans l'éducation au post-primaire (Burkina Faso) - Obésité infantile et réussite scolaire ? (Mexico) - Imaginaire occidental du monde touareg - Relations de travail (Laos rural) - Récupérateurs(Lima) - Entreprises pétrolières (Angola)
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et al.
Taking stock of the current impossibility to radically change our lifestyles and organization, this book nevertheless calls on us to follow several realistic paths to adaptation and reform, in the interests of preparing a less somber future.
Les sociétés face au changement climatique
Edwin Zaccai
Les phénomènes migratoires occupent une place essentielle dans les agendas politiques. La nouvelle édition du rapport Mediterra donne la parole à des experts pour analyser leurs effets sur les équilibres socioéconomiques des territoires d'origine et d'accueil, dans un contexte climatique déjà préoccupant.
Migrations et développement rural inclusif en Méditerranée
Exclus des grands projets modernisateurs du XXe siècle, les savoirs autochtones sont aujourd'hui entraînés dans des processus d’intégration au développement durable.
Savoirs autochtones et développement
Mina Kleiche-Dray, et al.
We all understand that infinite growth in a finite world is impossible, yet we act as if that were not true.To preserve our mental health we refuse to consider embarrassing truths, hoping that all will turn out well, but not really knowing how...
Sortir de l'impasse
Gilbert Rist
This book paves the way for discussion on alternative ways of living on earth, as improbable as they may seem, and in so doing, demonstrates that the future is not merely the linear prolongation of the present.
Rémi Beau, Catherine Larrère
Philippe Descola
With environmental urgency facing us everywhere, innovative urban projects to reduce pollution and waste are emerging around the world. But how useful are these experiences on a global scale? Is it possible to make a town durable without being detrimental to its surroundings? This book sets out to explore these questions.
Nouveaux modèles de gestion des ressources
Dominique Lorrain, Charlotte Halpern
The politicisation of biodiversity is the subject of this pluri-disciplinary book, which brings together a range of scientific fields & covers previously neglected dimensions of this issue, including economies of scale, the political impact of the scientific categories mobilised by actors & the instrumentalization of international norms by states.
Daniel Compagnon, Estienne Rodary
How are the "mega-farms" organised? What are their logics and modes of action? In what spaces do they situate themselves? How does a family farm become an agricultural company? What kind of actors are involved? What are their attitudes towards politics? What conflicts do they provoke? The first study of an emerging global phenomenon.
De la ferme à la firme
François Purseigle, Geneviève Nguyen
Beirut, Cairo, Algiers, Istanbul: have they become ungovernable? Are they too dense, too polluted, too unequal? By delving into the fabric of their networks and institutions, this book shows that the major difficulties of these towns reflect not the lack of government, but rather its specific forms.
Gouverner par les rentes
Dominique Lorrain
Can degrowth become a realistic alternative political model ? Governing growth rather than submitting to it : a new political history can be written, one in which the perspectives available are not only those of crisis but also those of creativity.
¨Politiques de l'anthropocène III
Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba
Dans la vie sociale des objets, la phase « déchet » ne devrait plus être que transitoire. Alors que nous continuons de produire de plus en plus de biens tout en prétendant limiter les déchets, nos objets-restes doivent redevenir des richesses.
Le réemploi dans les sociétés d'accumulation
Nathalie Benelli, Delphine Corteel
This initial assessment of the environmental situation in China thus analyses both the causes of this crisis and the environmental policies subsequently implemented in order to understand a precarious situation that will affect the future of the Earth.
Évolutions et limites des politiques publiques
Jean-François Huchet
Coordinated by three of the best experts in environmental migration, with the help of cartographers and specialists in computer graphics, this pioneering work provides the first comprehensive overview of the state of affairs in this area. With more than 100 maps and graphics, it possible solutions to this major 21st century challenge.
Dina Ionesco, Daria Mokhnacheva
The institutional, financial and political innovations that result from the resolution of these conflicts reflect the vivacity of local democracy and the variability inherent in the notion of social acceptability. Comparing differents situations in Europe, the authors lay out a framework to help with decision-making.
Conflits, démocratie, acceptabilité sociale
François Bafoil
This Manifesto for environmental geography illustrates a collective desire to go beyond individual practices in order to examine the epistemological and political role of geography when challenged by environmental crises.
Géographie, écologie, politique
Denis Chartier, Estienne Rodary
A global overview of environmental issues raised by the new policies of the Earth by the best scholars in the field — philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians, engineers, political scientists and international relations experts.
François Gemenne
This book traces the contours of a biophysical economy , embedded in the cycles of nature , slow , local , and sober. On the horizon of this new paradigm, the degrowth is no longer a constraint but an ethical and physical necessity .
Politiques de l'Anthropocène II
Agnès Sinaï