The glance of the Turks on Europe and their disenchantment with the reluctance of Europeans are the original angle of this book which offers a cross-analysis of the evolution of European and Turkish point of views.
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L'opinion des Européens et des Turcs
Bruno Cautrès, Nicolas Monceau
The author analyzes the place of Muslims in British society. This work on a foreign experience helps to better understand the public debate on immigration and integration, its corollary now almost obligatory.
Les musulmans britanniques (1945-2010)
Olivier Esteves
Gérard Noiriel
Ce classique des études urbaines montre que les villes européennes (de taille moyenne) sont un phénomène historique de longue durée, et qu'elles demeurent innovantes et dynamiques malgré les processus de globalisation.
2e édition augmentée d'une préface inédite
Patrick Le Galès
From Michael Moore to Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, numerous Hollywood stars protest again the war in Iraq. This book deciphers the logic behind the engagement of artists, perfomers and celebrities, drawing new ties between art and politics.
Les artistes américains contre la guerre en Irak
Violaine Roussel
An illuminating essay, in a European context where multiculturalism tends to fade the shadow of a "neo-assimilationism," notably in France where ethnic statistics and the under-representation of minorities remain subjects for fierce debate.
Comparaisons franco-britanniques
Romain Garbaye
By involving contemporary paradigms of economic geography, comparing the development strategies employed by the central European States to others, Irish or Asian, this book provides a valuable framework for understanding the new geography of Europe.
Recomposition et européanisation des territoires
Gilles Lepesant
This book tells the history of Ashridge College, institution created in 1929 to form the militants of the conservative party and produce conservative intellectuals.
Ashridge College, premier think tank conservateur
Clarisse Berthezène
More than just an atlas, this work is a true tollbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on Russia.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Russie
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
This book offers the first global approach on the impact of oil wealth in Algeria, Libya and Iraq from 1970 to 2008. Luis Martinez gives elements of causalities to the "Arabic spring", in particular in the oil-rich countries.
Algérie - Libye - Irak
Luis Martinez
50 years after the independance of African States, the history of the interest and active support of the United States in the development of the Francophonie.
Enjeux africains 1960-1970
Marine Lefevre
Une analyse de l'évolution des conservateurs depuis 1990 et l'ascension fulgurante de son leader David Cameron qui accompagne la victoire des Tories après des années de clivages internes et le fardeau de l'héritage Thatchérien.
Les conservateurs britanniques (1990-2010)
Agnès Alexandre-Collier
This book provides a clear assessment of the New Labour public policies and their outcomes in Britain under the leadership of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown from 1997 to 2009.
Le bilan de Tony Blair et de Gordon Brown
Florence Faucher, Patrick Le Galès
Gender is a central organizer of contemporary neoliberal globalization. Uniting international specialists on issues rarely confronted, this work renews criticism of the economic, social, political, cultural, ideological consequences of globalization.
Genre, classe, race et nouvelle division du travail
Jules Falquet, Helena Hirata
Cities have crucial importance for sustainability concerns. This new edition of Regards sur la Terre analyses how cities work and identifies contemporary trends, mecanisms and tools that can influence curent strategies and choices.
Villes changer de trajectoire
Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri
For three decades, in light of evolutions of the global migratory system and technological transformations, migrants retain closer ties to theirs countries of origin. The focus of this innovative work is to present a panorama of these transformations.
Les États et leurs expatriés
Stéphane Dufoix, Carine Guerassimoff
Atlas Mediterra, the new edition of CIHEAM's report, illustrates the diversity and complexity of the Mediterrean world and reveals the geo-economic, social, regional and political trends under way in the region.
Mediterranean Agriculture, Food, Fisheries & Rural World
Agriculture, alimentation, pêche et mondes ruraux en Méditerranée
Both China and Japan have strong assets to claim for the leadership in Asia. This stimulating essay presents the recent developments in China and in Japan, in terms of economic evolutions but also with respect to their global strategic ambitions.
Claude Meyer