Un an après l'élection de François Hollande, cet ouvrage, abondamment illustré de cartes électorales thématiques, analyse les composantes de ce "vote normal" et s'interroge sur la possibilité d'une "présidence normale" face à des difficultés majeures.
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Les élections présidentielle et législatives d'avril-mai-juin 2012
Pascal Perrineau
Sociology analysis what contemporary armies owe to the political, institutional and social context in which they develop. It recalls what the understanding of military matters brings to the understanding of our societies and phenomenas of power.
Jean Joana
Following extensive research in the Portuguese, Spanish, and French archives and a series of interviews with political and institutional actors from the period, this author offers an original history of migrants and Portuguese migration policies.
L'État portugais et ses migrants en France (1957-1974)
Victor Pereira
This didactic presentation of the controversies spurred by the idea of a « universal State » reveals the fault lines that they draw within the major contemporary ideological currents. An introduction to the philosophy of international relations.
Frédéric Ramel
What purpose do ambassadors serve? After a historical retrospective beginning in the Third Republic, the author shows that in spite of all these changes, the profession of ambassador has conserved its specificity and its usefulness.
Marie-Christine Kessler
An analysis of the oratorical secrets, manipulation techniques and favourite words of Nicolas Sarkozy, who invented a new kind of expression, shocking many in the process and creating an authentic break in the history of the 5th Republic! .
Damon Mayaffre
A passionate reading of the evolution of presidential speeches since 1958, in which we see delivery take precedence over content: the leader replaces the idea and political thought becomes a matter of communication.
Chirac, Mitterrand, Giscard, Pompidou, de Gaulle
The first analysis of the major reforms and policies that characterize Sarkozy's presidency.
Jacques de Maillard, Yves Surel
Based on a unique comparative analysis of four French presidential contests over the last two decades, this book is an original and comprehensive study of the sociological and psychological forces driving French voters' choices.
Éric Belanger, Bruno Cautrès
The comparative approach has become an indispensable tool for the production of knowledge. This manual aims to facilitate access for students / researchers / teachers to methods, data and comparative studies in France, Europe and the United States.
Guide d'accès aux grandes enquêtes statistiques en sciences sociales
Alain Chenu, Laurent Lesnard
Revolutionary at 20, conservative at 60: is there truth in this old adage? Do our political attitudes change as we age? This work gives light to the ties between age, generation, life cycle and our political lives.
Anne Muxel
An original thesis defending that social movements are neither a marginal component of the political landscape, nor a menace to democracy, but revive founding principles.
Mouvements sociaux et politique en France aujourd'hui
Lilian Mathieu
This book analyses public finances, in a context marked by the issue of government debt, budget constraints and the renewed policy of rigor and fiscal reforms.
Philippe Bezes, Alexandre Siné
50 years of history of conflict between women and power in France. This book tells the decisive stages of their accession to the highest steps of political life.
De l'exclusion à l'entrée dans la course présidentielle
Mariette Sineau
This book focuses on the evolution of campaigns and political activism online. ...). It offers an unprecedented overview of the uses of the Internet by the French parties compared to American, Italian and British parties.
Les partis politiques sur le web
Fabienne Greffet
Second volume of the Public Policy series, this opus focuses on the effects of public action on the social and political body
Olivier Borraz, Virginie Guiraudon
This book is a history of the mind, clarifying contemporary political issues through the lens of the intellectual contexts of the past. The author examines the different ways political structures are created within the evolution of western civilization.
Enjeux et défis contemporains
Astrid von Busekist
This book addresses what is called the "crisis of representation". Parting from the idea that this is a rhetorical issue, it attempts to shed light on the truth of representative systems.
Structure et fondement d'une crise
Didier Mineur