Plus d'un quart de siècle après la fin des nombreux régimes militaires de l'Amérique latine des années 1960 et 1970, ceux-ci deviennent enfin objets d'histoire. Ce numéro événement présente l'état de la recherche sur les « années de plomb ».
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L'Amérique latine des régimes militaires
et al.
This work offers a complete view of the institutional system, the actors, the political game and modes of action of the European Union. It aims to offer the fundamental elements for comprehending current challenges Europe must face.
Renaud Dehousse
A provocative and simple analysis of the European integration process. Nicolas Jabko demonstrates that the European Commission deployed a strategy that invoked mulitple dimensions of the logic of the "market" to promote its political objectives.
Histoire d'une stratégie improbable
Nicolas Jabko
Global Issues: A New Geopolitical Series on Globalization with a focus on a specific global challenge : Migrations
Les migrations
Christophe Jaffrelot, Christian Lequesne
An history of contemporay Cambodia.
Philippe Richer
The aim of this book is to examine the changing nature of the European social model and its capacity to deal with both domestic and external challenges in the early 21st Century.
L'intégration européenne et les transformations de l'espace politique de la protection sociale
Maurizio Ferrera
Bruno Palier
Isabelle Mennesson
Do international institutions really contribute to building a lasting peace? If it is impossible to fight against the recommendations of international institutions, it will become difficult to reject them as a means of making peace.
La part des institutions internationales
Guillaume Devin
What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? This work helps to better understand the policies of European institutions, their issues and priorities.
Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez
Mediterra 2009, the fruit of cooperation between the Ciheam and the Blue Plan, analyzes the new dynamics of Mediterranean rural worlds...
Rethinking Rural Development in the Mediterranean
Mediterra 2009 analyse les grands défis pour la durabilité et la compétitivité des agricultures méditerranéennes...
Repenser le développement rural en Méditerranée
New design, new maps, new graphics and a special report on Brazil! Acessible and instructional, the Atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes. Translated in Chinese, Portugese, Spanish
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Brésil
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
A sharp essay retracing the evolutions of France's European policy starting in the early 1980’s, while offering paths for France to take in recovering a place in Europe, and for Europe in recovering a place in France...
Assumer le changement d'échelle
Christian Lequesne
Echoing the method of Fernand Braudel, Jean-Louis Quermonne offers a brief history of Europe facing the test of time...
Jean-Louis Quermonne
Rising oil prices, resource crises, global warming, sovereign wealth, outsourcing…Emerging nations are united in these issues and are drawing global development along. Who are they, really? What impact do they really have?
Christophe Jaffrelot
This book deals with the symbolic aspect of the European expansion and national political life...
Pouvoir et symbolique à l'ère de la gouvernance
François Foret
Succumbing neither to absolute pessimism nor to blindness, this work reviews the likelihood of the consolidation of young democracies and the establishment of numerous, enduring authoritarian systems...
Guy Hermet
Critique internationale vous propose à nouveau un numéro "éclectique", composé d'un "contre jour" sur le Gujarat de Narendra Modi et de cinq "Champs libres" sur la Bulgarie, la Thaïlande, le Cameroun, la Tunisie et le salafisme en France...