The term "Righteous of France" makes reference to "Righteous Among the Nations" created by the Hebrew State. The expression has been reclaimed by French public powers. The author confrontes several of questions posed by contemporary debates on memory.
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Politiques publiques de la mémoire
Sarah Gensburger
The essays cover four major themes: the political situation on the eve of the 2007 elections, the role of France in relations between Western/Eastern Europe after 1989, the link between politics and culture, and the metamorphoses of the modernizing state.
Onze essais sur la politique et la culture
Philippe Urfalino, Martha Zuber
This work takes an unconventional form. Two stories comprise the plot: one is of a woman from a "hard town", the other from the rural world. Through these tales, the question of the effects of the changes of French society on personal politics is posed.
Identité singulière et mémoire partagée
Florence Haegel, Marie-Claire Lavabre
A historical analyse of this mode of protest from its birth at the beginning of the twentieth century with British suffragettes and Irish nationalists to its later use on every continent.
Johanna Siméant
In following the behavior of the same voters over the long term, during and after the election, this electoral panel study afforded the opportunity to trace the course of the vote and in so doing, to better understand the dynamics of an election.
Le Panel électoral français 2007
Bruno Cautrès, Anne Muxel
The author describes the political and historic construction of this market, an effort shared between church, state, and private entrepreneurs...
Pascale Trompette
Succumbing neither to absolute pessimism nor to blindness, this work reviews the likelihood of the consolidation of young democracies and the establishment of numerous, enduring authoritarian systems...
Guy Hermet
The notion of risk has taken center stage in public politics, the management of public and private organizations. The goal of this work is to demonstrate the successive steps explaining the assessment of risk in our advanced societies.
Olivier Borraz
The notion of 'rupture'—political, economic, and cultural—was introduced during the Sarkozy campaign. Beyond the rhetoric, the ability of voters to find themselves in this ‘rupture,’ and thereby assume it, is questionnable...
Les élections présidentielle et législatives d'avril-juin 2007
Pascal Perrineau
Forty years after May 1968, this work investigates the resurgence and the itinerary of the revolutionary violence of the extreme left in France, United States, Italy, Germany and Japan.
Isabelle Sommier
Conflits, acclimatation, voire assimilation, la confrontation entre socialistes et radicaux a pris des formes variables sur le siècle. Grâce à différentes approches, les auteurs éclairent les relations toujours conflictuelles entre ces deux familles.
Querelles de famille
Noëlline Castagnez, Gilles Morin
When music becomes a weapon, a way to resist or to mobilize for a cause stirring emotions and affects.
Christophe Traïni
This book invites the reader to rediscover the knowledge and the practices that shape our experience of the vote...
Yves Déloye, Olivier Ihl
S'appuyant sur des recherches récentes dans le domaine des neurosciences et sur de nombreuses expériences, l’auteur montre le rôle positif joué par nos émotions dans nos décisions politiques...
Émotions et politique en démocratie
Geroge E. Marcus
Philippe Braud
The number of strikes is declining, they are no more central in the protest repertoire of the working classes, but they are giving way to a more diffuse form of conflictuality.
Guy Groux, Jean-Marie Pernot
et al.
"Cet ouvrage fournit un vaste tableau des implications de la construction européenne sur les politiques publiques en France". Le Monde diplomatique
Olivier Borraz, Virginie Guiraudon
William Genieys advances the thesis of the emergence of a state political elite...
William Genieys