In this work, the author damages this platitude implying that big business determines political decisions explaining how corporations and politics have woven relationships of mutual influence.
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L'influence du politique sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises
Cornelia Woll
Isabelle Mennesson
The glance of the Turks on Europe and their disenchantment with the reluctance of Europeans are the original angle of this book which offers a cross-analysis of the evolution of European and Turkish point of views.
L'opinion des Européens et des Turcs
Bruno Cautrès, Nicolas Monceau
With a theoretical, historic and comparative approach, this book assesses the nature and border of recent racism. The author analyses the genesis and the triggers of racist theories and how they slip from their evolutionary foundations to cultural givens.
Nouvelle édition entièrement actualisée
Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia
The author analyzes the place of Muslims in British society. This work on a foreign experience helps to better understand the public debate on immigration and integration, its corollary now almost obligatory.
Les musulmans britanniques (1945-2010)
Olivier Esteves
Gérard Noiriel
Confronting the theory of chaos defending that very large cities are ungovernable, the authors attempt to show how these XXL cities work and are at the forefront of globalization.
Dominique Lorrain
In some ways, this book is an argued response to largely unjustified judgments of bankruptcy or death of the multiculturalism. Avoiding a utopian view, this book pleads in favor of a shared multicultural citizenship at the heart of a democratic system.
Marco Martiniello
Ce classique des études urbaines montre que les villes européennes (de taille moyenne) sont un phénomène historique de longue durée, et qu'elles demeurent innovantes et dynamiques malgré les processus de globalisation.
2e édition augmentée d'une préface inédite
Patrick Le Galès
L'opinion est le cœur battant des démocraties modernes dont les sondages mesurent le pouls en permanence. Cet ouvrage permet à chacun de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des sondages ainsi que leur influence réelle ou supposée dans la vie politique.
Roland Cayrol
BAsed on political sociology and military sociology, this fine research work, provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the French forces.
Sociologie de la décision
Bastien Irondelle
An illuminating essay, in a European context where multiculturalism tends to fade the shadow of a "neo-assimilationism," notably in France where ethnic statistics and the under-representation of minorities remain subjects for fierce debate.
Comparaisons franco-britanniques
Romain Garbaye
The origins and power of mercantile institutions are among the enigmas that this work attempts to explore across an original theoretical context as well as a series of studies on the wine market, biotechnology firms, and the convention ISO 26000.
Pierre François
By involving contemporary paradigms of economic geography, comparing the development strategies employed by the central European States to others, Irish or Asian, this book provides a valuable framework for understanding the new geography of Europe.
Recomposition et européanisation des territoires
Gilles Lepesant
Gaboriaux's book tracks republican approaches to rural votes. She shows how Republicans themselves changed their version of the Republic to make it more attractive to peasants, so that by the 1870s they were seen as the model for the Republican citizenry.
Les républicains face au bonapartisme rural (1848-1880)
Chloé Gaboriaux
Second volume of the Public Policy series, this opus focuses on the effects of public action on the social and political body
Olivier Borraz, Virginie Guiraudon
While some leaders toy with the rules, bending them to their own benefit, the citizenry, often complacent in matters of favoritism and other abuses of power, does not easily sanction these acts in the end. This is the paradox of French democracy.
Petits arrangements avec la probité
Pierre Lascoumes
This book is a history of the mind, clarifying contemporary political issues through the lens of the intellectual contexts of the past. The author examines the different ways political structures are created within the evolution of western civilization.
Enjeux et défis contemporains
Astrid von Busekist
En plein retour de la question agricole, cet important ouvrage collectif analyse le rapport complexe des agriculteurs français à la modernité et à la tradition, au marché, à l'État et à l'Europe, et la façon dont ils s'insèrent dans la mondialisation.
De la fin des paysans au retour de la question agricole
Bertrand Hervieu, Nonna Mayer
Des Français pas vraiment différents des Européens : la spécificité française, ne serait-elle qu'un mythe ? C’est ce que démontre ce livre en s’appuyant sur les données empiriques inédites de l’enquête European Social Survey !
Daniel Boy, Bruno Cautrès