"Eat smart, be smart", "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", "Same medicine, same results", "Smoking kills"… A critical attempt at deciphering an increasingly widespread form of governance, where individual behaviour becomes a space for public intervention.
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Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Vingt ans après la création des zones urbaines sensibles, des zones franches urbaines et des zones de redynamisation urbaine, et dix ans après la mise en place des contrats urbains de cohésion sociale, quels sont les enjeux de la politique des quartiers prioritaires ? Quels effets de territoires la motivent ?
Économie des quartiers prioritaires
Yannick L'Horty, Pierre Morin
Il est devenu familier de rapprocher sport et entreprise. De nombreux chercheurs ont investigué le champ sportif au travers du prisme du travail. Ainsi, on peut se demander, d'une part, quels sont les usages du sport par l’entreprise et d’autre part, s’interroger sur les types de relations de travail qui s’instaurent dans le champ sportif.
Sport et entreprise, un mariage de raison(s)?
Béatrice Barbusse, François Sarfati
In France, there is a dual labor market: one with stable jobs heavily protected and the other with precarious employment whose durations are getting shorter and shorter. What is the origin of this contractual dualism and how does it affect the functioning of the French labor market ?
Les effets d'un dualisme contractuel
François Fontaine, Franck Malherbet
How is the individual socialized today, in Rome, Bombay, Lagos or Tokyo? Ours is a globalized world, a world in which a young person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroes, a world in which a New York trader drinks the same Starbucks coffee as his counterpart in Taiwan. How is human experience shaped in a world such as this?
Sociologie d'un monde cosmopolite
Vincenzo Cicchelli
Table of contents: Management of intimacy and the display of emotional territory - The "Des racines pour ton avenir" [Roots for your future] camp - The frontiers of collective identity in militancy on suburban housing estates - etc.
et al.
Drawing on very rich statistical data that has hitherto been neglected, this work establishes the first overview of the activity of staff representatives. It reveals that the legal framework within which they operate is ill-adapted to their activity, often pitting employee representatives, employees and employers against each other.
Thomas Breda
An original point of view on a double controversy which arose during the French Revolution: resistance to the citizenship of women, and a refusal to recognize women as artists.
Réflexions sur l'émancipation
Geneviève Fraisse
Ce numéro hors-série est consacré aux travaux de Marc Uhalde et aux influences qui irriguent la sociologie orientée de l'action.
Changement et intervention dans les organisations : l'apport de Marc Uhalde
The criticism being levied is not new. In fact, though it first appeared after the 'defeat' of the "Front populaire", it has consistently returned since: French socialists are said to be economically incompetent. A stereotype? Mathieu Fulla offers an economic history of politics that participates in the current debate within the Left.
Une histoire économique du politique
Mathieu Fulla
Les coûts des expertises judiciaires dans les procédures inquisitoire et accusatoire - Une évaluation de l'impact de l’aménagement des conditions de travail sur la reprise du travail après un cancer - La réforme des régimes spéciaux de retraite a-t-elle été ratée ? Étude du cas des conducteurs du métro parisien
Unemployment affects more young people with low education and skills. The solution to this problem is to improve educational provision. This book compares the performance of various education, training and prevention in several European countries - the Netherlands, Poland, France and Sweden - and the United States.
Des jeunes laissés pour compte
Francis Kramarz, Martina Viarengo
Professional training greatly increases employment opportunities for low-skilled youth. As this work demonstrates, it shall be necessary to modify the governance of vocational education and funding for sandwich training in order to reach this objective.
Donner la priorité aux moins qualifiés
Pierre Cahuc, Marc Ferracci
"A perfectly timely guide for conflict analysis, put forth by two great masters. There is no better instrument for teaching students how to understand the causes, the processes and the results of different forms of political conflict." Jack A. Goldstone, George Mason University.
De la grève à la révolution
Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly
Designed for practitioners, students and professors, this is the first dictionary devoted to health expertise. It describes the uses, notions and concepts of the field. Drawing on the most recent research, it simultaneously illustrates the institutional context surrounding expertise and the actors that contribute to it or endure its consequences.
Santé, travail, environnement
Claude Gilbert, Emmanuel Henry
How does the political order fall apart? What are crises made of, and how should they be explained? These questions are at the heart of Michel Dobry's book, La sociologie des crises politiques, originally published in 1986 and which has inspired researchers with its groundbreaking approach to revolutionary phenomena and political transitions.
Relire la sociologie de Michel Dobry
Myriam Aït-Aoudia, Antoine Roger
Cette enquête va au-devant d'une population oubliée et hétérogène, celle des «précaires». Elle montre que, faute de dispositifs leur facilitant l'accès à l'espace public, les individus en situation de précarité n'ont pas rompu avec la politique, mais qu'ils demeurent la plupart du temps inaudibles.
Sociologie politique des précaires
Céline Braconnier, Nonna Mayer
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly involved in the field of international health (the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis , etc.). What is their role, what actions do they put out? Are they able to cooperate with States, NGOs, international organizations and private foundations?
Firmes privées et gouvernance mondiale de la santé
Auriane Guilbaud