A socio-historical and international analysis of the registration of individuals...
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Identifier les individus
Xavier Crettiez, Pierre Piazza
L'ouvrage permet une analyse en profondeur de la crise politique actuelle, à un moment où la France fait difficilement face aux pressions exercées par l’Europe et par l’économie globalisée.
More likely to abstain, more conservative, less regionalist. This is the portrait emerging from the voting population of June 2004 in the European parliamentary elections of twenty five countries in the Union...
De l'élargissement au référendum français
Pascal Perrineau
This book retraces and analyzes the great negotiations of European commerce politics...
L'Europe dans les négociations commerciales internationales
Sylvain Brémond, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon
Sophie Meunier
Published on the occasion of the bicentenary of Tocqueville's birth this book brings together the best analyses of material written on the subject over the past 25 years in the Franco-American review dedicated to Tocqueville
"The Tocqueville review-La revue Tocqueville"
Laurence Guellec
This book presents new analyses of public policy : it studies the technology of governance and more especially the instruments used for putting public policy into practice.
Pierre Lascoumes, Patrick Le Galès
How and why do we decide a medication is acceptable for use? What level of involvement does the pharmaceutical industry have in review procedures? Is the protection of public health ensured appropriately?...
Politique - Expertise - Intérêts privés
Boris Hauray
L'Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE) présente son rapport annuel sur l'état de l'Union européenne à travers quatre domaines : la situation économique, les institutions et les normes sociales, la cohésion et l’élargissement de...
Constitution, élargissement, Turquie
Jean-Paul Fitoussi
This book introduces the European Constitution by explaining how it was drafted during the European Convention and the intergovernmental Conference. It also identifies the most influential actors in relation to the drafting of the constitution.
Que faut-il savoir ?
Florence Deloche-Gaudez
How can we establish a science of facts and unique processes for political phenomena, and take measures of social acts as we would for political decisions?
Epistémologie du politique
Pierre Favre
Based on field-work carried out in the heart of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, this work by Yves Pourcher takes the reader backstage in several elections using the format of a detailed ongoing chronicle including dates and places.
Les campagnes électorales de Jacques Blanc en Languedoc-Roussillon (1986-2004)
Yves Pourcher
Janine Mossuz-Lavau
This book is a study of sizeable agricultural systems in representative EU member countries. It sheds light on the various concepts and debates on CAP reform.
Anatomie d'une transformation
Hélène Delorme
This work analyzes the mechanisms of promotion and legalization of different segments of the market of protection, discusses the notion of "police privatization" and the causes of the “state monopoly"...
Frédéric Ocqueteau
In this book, the authors show the development of working class political attitudes, to assess the scope of those attitudes, to chronicle major changes and then to propose an unmatched report on the subject.
Permanence, ruptures, réalignements
Guy Michelat, Michel Simon
Based on a Series of studies and especially on the 2002 French Election Panel, the authors have drawn up the paths and meanders of the four rounds of the 2002 election that was not quite like any other, to draw a portrait of French election behaviour.
Bruno Cautrès, Nonna Mayer
This work puts together a synthesis of the changes among the political elites and public opinion by means of 15 years of surveys and polls carried out among both the older and new member countries, and also beyond the borders of Europe.
Perceptions, acteurs, enjeux
Jacques Rupnik
Authors in this volume deal with two main questions: the linkage between political liberalism and nationalism and the challenge of pluralism.
Nationalisme, libéralisme et pluralisme
Alain Dieckhoff
The legislative and presidential elections of 2002 were the elections of refusals...
Les élections présidentielle et législatives de 2002