Gender is a central organizer of contemporary neoliberal globalization. Uniting international specialists on issues rarely confronted, this work renews criticism of the economic, social, political, cultural, ideological consequences of globalization.
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Genre, classe, race et nouvelle division du travail
Jules Falquet, Helena Hirata
For three decades, in light of evolutions of the global migratory system and technological transformations, migrants retain closer ties to theirs countries of origin. The focus of this innovative work is to present a panorama of these transformations.
Les États et leurs expatriés
Stéphane Dufoix, Carine Guerassimoff
Both China and Japan have strong assets to claim for the leadership in Asia. This stimulating essay presents the recent developments in China and in Japan, in terms of economic evolutions but also with respect to their global strategic ambitions.
Claude Meyer
Global Issues: A New Geopolitical Series on Globalization with a focus on a specific global challenge : Migrations
Les migrations
Christophe Jaffrelot, Christian Lequesne
An history of contemporay Cambodia.
Philippe Richer
Do international institutions really contribute to building a lasting peace? If it is impossible to fight against the recommendations of international institutions, it will become difficult to reject them as a means of making peace.
La part des institutions internationales
Guillaume Devin
New design, new maps, new graphics and a special report on Brazil! Acessible and instructional, the Atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes. Translated in Chinese, Portugese, Spanish
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Brésil
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
Rising oil prices, resource crises, global warming, sovereign wealth, outsourcing…Emerging nations are united in these issues and are drawing global development along. Who are they, really? What impact do they really have?
Christophe Jaffrelot
Succumbing neither to absolute pessimism nor to blindness, this work reviews the likelihood of the consolidation of young democracies and the establishment of numerous, enduring authoritarian systems...
Guy Hermet
Critique internationale vous propose à nouveau un numéro "éclectique", composé d'un "contre jour" sur le Gujarat de Narendra Modi et de cinq "Champs libres" sur la Bulgarie, la Thaïlande, le Cameroun, la Tunisie et le salafisme en France...
et al.
This book offers an alternative comprehension of Chinese society.
Migrations, villes, classe moyenne, drogue, sida
Jean-Louis Rocca
Christian Baudelot
Dix ans d'Internet en Chine : comment le gouvernement tente de contrôler la Toile, comment les activistes chinois se sont emparés de cet outil, comment un vrai secteur économique a vu le jour ou comment un média change le monde ...
Pierre Haski
The number of victims of civil wars, guerrillas or military repressions has not ceased to increase on the Indian subcontinent. These conflicts implicate militias of a paramilitary style, whose ideologies and strategies are unveiled by this work.
Privatisation de la violence et implication des États
Laurent Gayer, Christophe Jaffrelot
Les chemins de la globalisation culturelle
More than an atlas, this book is a veritable tool box. Special focus on China : Comprised of maps, graphics and never before seen texts, this special report on China helps decode the issues of current upheavals.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Chine
Bertrand Badie
Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les évolutions politiques du continent, son virage à gauche, l’influence d’Hugo Chávez dans la région. Il remet en question les hypothèses émises sur les obstacles à la consolidation de la démocratie en Amérique latine.
Olivier Dabène
This work proposes an original analysis of the laboratory of New Labour and its effects on the life of the British citizens.
Le bilan des réformes
Florence Faucher, Patrick Le Galès
Asie : la démocratie à l'épreuve du phénomène dynastique