This book closely observes the evolution, punctuated by periodic experiments and spectacular turnarounds, towards one of most significant institutional reforms in post-war United Kingdom : the bank of England.
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Une marche erratique vers l'indépendance 1977-2007
Sylviane de Saint Seine
Sommaire : Dix ans après le début de la crise financière mondiale de 2007 Politique monétaire et stabilité financière, risque de système L'Europe, avec ses hétérogénéités
Aspects de la crise
Pierre Morin
The polarisation of the labour market affects most countries and has become a striking phenomenon over the last two decades. It has led to an explosion in wage gaps and an increased risk of unemployment and insecurity. Is this phenomenon inevitable ?
Pourquoi l'emploi se polarise
Grégory Verdugo
Following the oil shock of 1973, a massive wave of inflation spread throughout Europe. This volume explores these upheavals through a broad historical lens, by examining countries in Western, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as trade unions, businesses and international organizations, particularly the European Community and GATT.
L'inflation en Europe dans les années 1970
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Laurent Warlouzet
This survey on the rise of plantation companies since the 1970s, shows the conditions for the emergence and development of agrarian capitalism with a strong environmental and economic impact both in Asia and over the World.
Économie politique de la grande plantation en Indonésie et en Malaisie
Stéphanie Barral
The criticism being levied is not new. In fact, though it first appeared after the 'defeat' of the "Front populaire", it has consistently returned since: French socialists are said to be economically incompetent. A stereotype? Mathieu Fulla offers an economic history of politics that participates in the current debate within the Left.
Une histoire économique du politique
Mathieu Fulla
Professional training greatly increases employment opportunities for low-skilled youth. As this work demonstrates, it shall be necessary to modify the governance of vocational education and funding for sandwich training in order to reach this objective.
Donner la priorité aux moins qualifiés
Pierre Cahuc, Marc Ferracci
Une analyse comparative des contrats flexibles, de leur régime juridique, de leur incidence sur les droits individuels et collectifs en France, en Italie, en Espagne, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis alors qu'ils semblent devenir la norme.
Une comparaison internationale
Sophie Robin-Olivier
Les États-Unis disposent d'un système de « bonus-malus » pour le financement de l'assurance chômage sans équivalent. Passant en revue les nombreuses études consacrées à ces questions, les auteurs soulignent les bénéfices qui pourraient être attendus de l'adaptation en Europe d'un tel système et notamment en France.
Stéphane Auray, David L. Fuller
Faced with the new Chinese hegemony, other Asian countries have been forced to adapt, while preserving their own designs on emergence. Consequently, various national forms of capitalism arise and co-exist. As a laboratory of contemporary forms of capitalism, Asia prefigures the major economic and geopolitical transformations of the decades to come.
Diversité et recomposition des trajectoires nationales
Pierre Alary, Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux
Born in the 1970s in the US, the UK and Canada, international political economy (IPE) has helped us to understand the transformations of the international scene. A critical overview of the main actors, debates and paradigms that structure the discipline.
Cultures scientifiques et hégémonie américaine
Stéphane Paquin
An anthropologist among analysts and traders! Horacio Ortiz analyses how these "experts" state the value of companies listed on the stock exchange and reveals the contradictions and weaknesses of this activity whose issues are crucial for the economic, political and social interest and yet poorly understood .
Enquête d'anthropologie politique sur l'évaluation des entreprises cotées en bourse
Horacio Ortiz
This book analyzes the concepts of "flexicurity" and "career security", their different interpretations in France and Europe in order to improve their economic and social efficiency and to help a systemic overhaul of employment policies.
Jacky Fayolle, Florian Guyot
Inefficient, the French unemployment insurance system promotes job instability and helps maintain high unemployment. This summary shows that there is significant leeway to improve our system of unemployment insurance.
Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo
In a Europe with limited budgets and faltering solidarity, how can we reduce the fuel poverty of a growing percentage of the population? This volume compares policies developed in United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland and Hungary to deal with this phenomenon.
Les précaires invisibles
François Bafoil, Ferenc Fodor
Ce numéro présente les avancées de l'histoire des cartels et des diverses formes d'altération de la concurrence. Depuis les années 2000, les travaux menés, par les économistes, les historiens ou les juristes, ont fait surgir de nouvelles problématiques, mobilisé des méthodes inédites et, parfois, débouché sur des résultats surprenants.
Economic cooperation reconsidered
et al.
Services represent almost 80% of the GDP of the OECD countries, but only 20% of their international trade. This innovating book, based on multiple case studies, lists the constraints of globalizing services, whether social, economic or cultural in nature.
Mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services
Jean-Christophe Graz, Nafi Niang
This book recalls the history of industrial and innovation policies implemented by China since 1949, especially in the domain of nanotechnologies, which Beijing intends to make the launching pad of its future competitivity.
Des politiques industrielles aux entreprises innovantes
Romain Bironneau
Rigas Arvanitis, François Bafoil