PRIX LOUIS MARIN 2014. Au pouvoir en même temps de 1974 à 1981, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et Helmut Schmidt ont une volonté commune : faire progresser l'union économique et monétaire en Europe. Riche des témoignages inédits des principaux acteurs, ce livre offre un éclairage sur une période d'une importance considérable pour l'histoire de l’Europe.
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La persévérance récompensée
Amaury de Saint Périer
Jacques de Larosière
This is the extraordinary development of contemporary humanitarian and an important page of French social history that Axelle Brodiez-Dolino allows us to (re) read through two inseparable stories, those of Emmaus and the Abbé Pierre Pierre.
Axelle Brodiez-Dolino
Selwyn Image
Alexandra Harwood
Following extensive research in the Portuguese, Spanish, and French archives and a series of interviews with political and institutional actors from the period, this author offers an original history of migrants and Portuguese migration policies.
L'État portugais et ses migrants en France (1957-1974)
Victor Pereira
By recounting the origins, the history and the posterity of the Ligue from the 1880s to the 1930s, this book casts a new light on the history of French society in the first half of the 20th century.
La Ligue sociale d'acheteurs
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel
How did Vietnamese Communists succeed within 50 years in overthrowing colonial rule, keeping the American army at bay and conquering the South in 1975? The first exhaustive study on Vietnamese communism in over 30 years !
Construction d'un État nation entre Moscou et Pékin
Céline Marangé
This work retraces the invention of the constitutionalist, this law professor specializing in constitutional policy, and demonstrate how these professors played a crucial role in the advent of the new regime.
Professeurs de droit et légitimation de l'État en France (1870-1914)
Guillaume Sacriste
50 years of history of conflict between women and power in France. This book tells the decisive stages of their accession to the highest steps of political life.
De l'exclusion à l'entrée dans la course présidentielle
Mariette Sineau
Gaboriaux's book tracks republican approaches to rural votes. She shows how Republicans themselves changed their version of the Republic to make it more attractive to peasants, so that by the 1870s they were seen as the model for the Republican citizenry.
Les républicains face au bonapartisme rural (1848-1880)
Chloé Gaboriaux
50 years after the independance of African States, the history of the interest and active support of the United States in the development of the Francophonie.
Enjeux africains 1960-1970
Marine Lefevre
An analysis of the political behavior of the pieds-noirs (French colonials born in Algeria) from 1871 to 2002, in light of the trauma of the Algerian war and their subsequent return to France.
Quarante ans après le retour
Emmanuelle Comtat
This economic history text describes the profitable relationship between France and Switzerland. If the subject is rather pointed, it offers an incomparable perspective on the battle France waged to recover money hidden in Switzerland.
Évasion fiscale, relations commerciales et financières (1940-1954)
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl
In this passionate history of the CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail), Nicolas Defaud shows how the CFDT has shifted from management-based socialism to apolitical reformism in less than a generation.
De l'autogestion au syndicalisme de proposition
Nicolas Defaud
This book crosses histories and associations of tourism, popular leisure, and of the labor movement in order to shed new light on the hope, born in 1936, of the people's tourism, both social and educational.
De l'éducation populaire au secteur marchand (1945-1985)
Sylvain Pattieu
An analysis of the American democratic system throughout the course of the 20th century, as illuminated by the Nixon presidency.
Le cas Nixon
Romain Huret
This book is not just a simple biography : it is a rare opportunity to discover a usually closed-off universe and a CEO's daily work.
Pierre Lefaucheux (1944-1955)
Cyrille Sardais
This book recounts how and by whom authority was exercised in a rural commune from 1789 to the present, and the way a village - Rioz, in eastern France - governed itself in the course of local, regional, and national events.
La pratique du pouvoir à Rioz en Franche-Comté depuis la Révolution
Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
Quels sont les liens qui unissent publicité et propagande ? Ce dossier explore les rapports entre ces deux sphères, en Europe, des années 1920 aux années 1960 avec pour point de départ l'Allemagne et l'Italie...
Dossier : Publicité et propagande
et al.
This book opens the doors of the Emmaus movement, an extraordinary development in contemporary humanitarianism and an important page in French social history.